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Target Values cannot be uploaded (Sustainability Control Tower)

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Dear all,

I am currently working on loading sample target data into the SAP Sustainability Control Tower. The tiles already display actuals and I used the "data upload and validation - targets" template to match my actuals with the targets. Unfortunately I get the following error message when I run the initiation of data validation process:

/NXI/P1_FW/452 Activate Function FID=JOKFV to continue

Does anybody know how and where to activate this function?

When I click on "review of results" the following message pops up: Unexpected Error. 'Y105SCT0005QRLTA' is not an entity set, a singleton, an action import, or a function import

I would be happy for any tip where the problem might be.

Looking forward to getting some input from the community 🙂

Kind Regards




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Hi m_22.s-,

When I encountered something like this I had to activate this function on the model itself.

Go to the "Modeling" button on your CPE screen.

When it loads, search for JOKFV in the search box and click on the function that it finds.

Click on the Validate targets icon, and then from the tools menu, click on the activate button

Once it activates, you can try the validation process again. (another way would be to click on a empty area in the process screen and the activate button turns into "Activate all functions"

Side note though, what version of SCT are you on? The image you posted above shows the process template "Data upload and validation - Target" and the latest version of the SCT's CPE that I have Ver 6 has the process template "Targets - update records". Maybe make sure your SCT is up to date as well?

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Hey ctam_collustro,

thank you very much for your input. That was indeed the problem. The data upload field guided me to an outdated CPE environment.

Thanks for your help & have a nice weekend!