2014 May 08 10:58 AM
Hi, When we try to open SuPM in SUPM portal from back end or front end , It shows error "application not configured for user , contact system administrator" I was checking document "http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/300f6a88-1977-2e10-5385-a00e08722... for this error" , It ask to check in SPRO if sustainability roles are maintained. But when i goto backend system and run SPRO it shows screen attached below with name "spro roles". there is no tree for sustainability roles. Can i add this in spro. As a basis consultant , what exactly i can do to resolve this issue or how can i add sustainability roles in SPRO. Please advice. WR
2014 Aug 07 6:23 PM
You can assign application roles to the user by expanding "General" root node.