2021 Jul 22 1:30 PM
Bom dia a todos.
Estou com oscilações periódicas na mensageria GRC com "Status de erro 80: status de serviço: erro de sistema PI". Gostaria de saber um pouco mais a respeito desse erro pois a minha Sefaz MG está com fluxo normal.
2021 Jul 22 1:31 PM
Thank you for visiting SAP Community to get answers to your questions. Since you're asking a question here for the first time, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with Community Q&A, as the overview provides tips for preparing questions that draw responses from our members.
For example, you can:
- outline what steps you took to find answers (and why they weren't helpful)
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- use a more descriptive subject line.
The more details you provide, the more likely it is that members will be able to respond. Feel free to also take our Q&A tutorial Q&A tutorial
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