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SAP Sustainability Control Tower (SCT) - Missing DPI to load target data - No Data in Fiori KPI


Hi SCT community,

Appreciate if you can share any inputs on simillar issue related SCT data load (sample content)

I have already completed loading all demo content. However, after completion of loading master/actual/target data as per config instructions, only few KPI's like GHG emissions has both actual/target data in respective Fiori tile but several KPI's are displayed with "no data" (see attached). Following are my observations.

a) Actuals data: Even after uploading all sample data files for actuals, only some KPI's were populated with actuals data populated but not all of them? I have attached screen shot that shows only GHG KPI's and few others. I did not have any errors while loading all actual data files. In that case, my expectation was to see at least actuals data loaded into these KPI's. If you come across simillar situation, how did you resolved it?

b) Target data: When it comes to Target data load, it seems current SCT release allows loading target data only for emissions KPI. In the target data load process template, for "upload data" DPI, there are no further sub-steps to load various target data measures (as per sample content). Whereas if you look at Actuals data load process load, it has individual sub steps under "upload data" to load each actuals measure (example: People, prosperity etc). Is this your observation too? Did you somehow manage to upload target data for Injury, economic values etc? I suspect it could be a missing functionality that will be fixed in future release by SAP.

c) Snapshots: Did you activate both Production and Modelling snapshots or only one?

As per SAP help info (below) and reply from Lenka Simikova (in response to simillar issue), I have set up Production snapshot and I did not create modelling snapshot as shown in the scr shots. Have you noticed any data load issues with only production snapshot enabled?

Appreciate your inputs.





Dear Gopal,

b) There is only one "sub-steps" for uploading targets. In the Data Upload sub-step, import all target related flat files. You can either import them one by one, or merge them into one file outside of SCT, and then import one merged file. Then, run the validation and persistence.

c) There is actually a functionality that only one snapshot can be set as the default one (either Production or Modeling). Snapshot

Please refer here: Production vs modeling snapshots for details about production vs modeling snapshots.

Best Regards,

Lenka Simikova.

View solution in original post


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Update on Actual Data Load and KPI's without data: I was able to resolve the No data issue for KPI's by aligning the leading hiearchy config with demo content. In case if anyone had simillar issue.

still waiting for inputs on loading target data for various measures.

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Hi Gopal,

I was very excited to find this post. I seem to have the same problem as you had.

Tell me, where did you adjust the leading hierarchy config within the SCT?

Would be glad to receive another hint!



Update: The leading hierarchy can be adjusted within the Sustainability Metric within the configuration of the single KPIs


Dear Gopal,

b) There is only one "sub-steps" for uploading targets. In the Data Upload sub-step, import all target related flat files. You can either import them one by one, or merge them into one file outside of SCT, and then import one merged file. Then, run the validation and persistence.

c) There is actually a functionality that only one snapshot can be set as the default one (either Production or Modeling). Snapshot

Please refer here: Production vs modeling snapshots for details about production vs modeling snapshots.

Best Regards,

Lenka Simikova.

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Dear Lenka and Gopal,

Where do we find the option to upload merged files in SCT?



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Thanks for your inputs and now I have target data in KPI's

Active Participant
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Hi Gopal,

I am new to SAP SCT i have activated Catalog Total CHG emission but i am unable to upload data .I have followed the steps to configure the Catalog then choosing Upload Data option added Sustainability metrics but still not able to upload data.

If you could help me through it.



Active Participant
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Hi Gopal,

I am new to SAP SCT i have activated Catalog Total CHG emission but i am unable to upload data .I have followed the steps to configure the Catalog then choosing Upload Data option added Sustainability metrics but still not able to upload data.

If you could help me through it.



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Arjun, It look like you are trying to upload GHG Emissions KPI data manually. Is that correct? If yes,

Are you trying to upload actual data or target data? Did you get a chance to look at SAP Help guide?

I recommend to go thru this help guide (all relevant sections). It has all the steps you need to follow to load actual data for emissions. Are you getting any error in CPE? Pls attach screen shots.

Active Participant
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Hi Gopal.

Upload Target when clicked the CPE is coming as greyed out Screen shot attached , I have the role Data_Manager added to me already cpe-greyaed-out.png

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If you are trying to load demo master data, then you need to deploy all those master data process templates into CPE. All you have to do is drag and drop each one of them to the right side (where the screen shows dates as columns). You can do this one by one. After that, you need to deploy each one of those process templates before you can load master data. For that you need to update the process state as deployed. You see a icon on the right extreme corner (blue color) that will open up a small form with properties. Here you can change the process state.

Then you upload master data for each one of those individual objects. I suggest to go thru SAP help guide for detail steps. All these above steps are available in the help guide. See attached link.



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jkrallmann see attached file to that shows where to update leading hierarchy.