2024 Apr 02 10:59 AM - edited 2024 Apr 02 11:49 AM
Is it currently possible to view metrics based on dimensions other than "period, organizational unit, business location, legal entity" on the Our Ambitions screen?
I know that the staging/destination table only has the fields that I show in the screenshot and I think that in order to do what I propose I would have to modify the HANA table in the database. Is this possible? My client would like to be able to see ambitions by dimensions, for example, see work incidents by gender in the same metric (i.e., on the Our Ambitions screen, in the performance breakdown to be able to see a column that shows gender at same as organizative structure column)
Thank you.
2024 Apr 06 4:15 PM
Hello Lucia,
Is it currently possible to view metrics based on dimensions other than "period, organizational unit, business location, legal entity" on the Our Ambitions screen?
As of today, the ambitions drill down can only display the items you have mentioned above.
My client would like to be able to see ambitions by dimensions, for example, see work incidents by gender in the same metric (i.e., on the Our Ambitions screen, in the performance breakdown to be able to see a column that shows gender at same as organizative structure column)
Taking your specific example, the DPI for Injury would need to be extended to capture Gender within the data set. Here a custom dimension would need to be created, and the data uploaded within the Manage ESG Data (MESGD) app at this granularity. Once data is within the system, then can move to the next step.
If you are only wanting to utilize SCT, then the following should be possible:
1) Using the CPE to build a Query within the modeler that gathers the data that is to be exposed. In this case, the query would need to bring together data from the Injury DPI with Master Data to get the actual text instead of the keys. Once your query is returning the desired dimensions and measures, then it must be saved and activated. After successful activation, there is a visualize button within the toolbar. There is also a table button to the left that could also be used.
This will open up a window that has a chart display by default; however, this can be changed to a table layout. From here, this could be used to display the information that you're trying to capture in one place.
The URL would need to be captured as it is important for the next step.
Each ambition has an area that can link to an external dashboard. This is where the link from above would be pasted.
When saving this, then you would be presented with a new button beside the 'Drill Down' called 'Dashboard'. This would open a new window taking you to the linked dashboard where further analysis could occur than what the Drill Down currently provides.
2) Advanced Metrics
I will mention this for completeness; however, I understand that this is not your particular requirement.
In this case, an advanced metric would need to be created for each 'view' of the data. In your example above, an advanced metric would need to be created for each gender. Then the data could be filtered down to the corresponding gender for each advanced metric.
2024 Apr 06 4:15 PM
Hello Lucia,
Is it currently possible to view metrics based on dimensions other than "period, organizational unit, business location, legal entity" on the Our Ambitions screen?
As of today, the ambitions drill down can only display the items you have mentioned above.
My client would like to be able to see ambitions by dimensions, for example, see work incidents by gender in the same metric (i.e., on the Our Ambitions screen, in the performance breakdown to be able to see a column that shows gender at same as organizative structure column)
Taking your specific example, the DPI for Injury would need to be extended to capture Gender within the data set. Here a custom dimension would need to be created, and the data uploaded within the Manage ESG Data (MESGD) app at this granularity. Once data is within the system, then can move to the next step.
If you are only wanting to utilize SCT, then the following should be possible:
1) Using the CPE to build a Query within the modeler that gathers the data that is to be exposed. In this case, the query would need to bring together data from the Injury DPI with Master Data to get the actual text instead of the keys. Once your query is returning the desired dimensions and measures, then it must be saved and activated. After successful activation, there is a visualize button within the toolbar. There is also a table button to the left that could also be used.
This will open up a window that has a chart display by default; however, this can be changed to a table layout. From here, this could be used to display the information that you're trying to capture in one place.
The URL would need to be captured as it is important for the next step.
Each ambition has an area that can link to an external dashboard. This is where the link from above would be pasted.
When saving this, then you would be presented with a new button beside the 'Drill Down' called 'Dashboard'. This would open a new window taking you to the linked dashboard where further analysis could occur than what the Drill Down currently provides.
2) Advanced Metrics
I will mention this for completeness; however, I understand that this is not your particular requirement.
In this case, an advanced metric would need to be created for each 'view' of the data. In your example above, an advanced metric would need to be created for each gender. Then the data could be filtered down to the corresponding gender for each advanced metric.