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GRI relevance for software industry

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Which of the GRI indicators make sense for the software industry in terms of strategic relevance, materiality, impact and control?


Former Member
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HI Stephanie

Is SAP coming up with solution to report the GRI parameters !!


siddhartha Ampolu

Former Member
0 Kudos

1. The indicators are under three major heads:

- economic

- environmental

- social .

2. The indicators are differentiated as

- core and

- additional .

3. Under economic performance there are 9 indicators, 7 core and 2 additional.

They are prescribed under 3 aspects namely economic performance, market revenue, and indirect economic impact.

All the above indicators may be considered relevant to IT industry.

4. Under environmental performance there are 30 indicators, 17 core and 13 additional.

They are prescribed under 9 aspects namely materials, energy, water, bio-diversity, emissions, effluents and waste, products and services, compliance, transport, overall.

Out of the nine aspects two aspects, namely water and bio-diversity does not appear to be relevant for IT industry. The other aspects are considered relevant.

Certain companies may go proactive and take up bio-diversity aspect and carry out some activities voluntarily to ensure certain beneficial effect to the nearby society.

If an environmental aspect register is maintained by the company, it would be easier to link the indicators to the significant aspects.

5. Under social performance the following main aspects are covered:

- labour practice and decent work

- Human rights

- society

- product responsibility.

5a. Under labour practice and decent work, there are14 indicators, 9 core and 5 additional.

They are prescribed under 5 aspects namely employment, labour/management relation, occupational health and safety, training, diversity and equal opportunity.

All the above indicators may be considered relevant to IT industry.

5b. Under human rights, there are 8 indicators, 5 core and 3 additional.

They are prescribed under investment and procurement practices, non-discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, abolition of child labour, prevention of forced and compulsory labour, complaints and grievance practices, security practices and indigenous rights.

All the above indicators may be considered relevant to IT industry.

5c. Under society, there are 8 indicators, 6 core and 2 additional.

They are prescribed under community, corruption, public policy, anti-competitive behaviour, and compliance.

All the above indicators may be considered relevant to IT industry.

5d. Under product responsibility there are 9 indicators, 4 core and 5 additional.

They are prescribed under 5 aspects, namely customer health and safety, product and service labeling, marketing and communication, customer privacy, and compliance.

The above indicators may be applicable to hardware sector of IT industry. They may not be applicable to software sector of IT industry. This may require further review.

6. In conclusion, it appears that

- most of the indicators are relevant to IT industry.

- the indicators under product responsibility may not be applicable to software sector, and

- the indicators under water and bio-diversity may not be applicable to IT industry.

Sam Anbazhagan