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In preparation for a webcast on SAP, sustainability, and carbon impact/footprint I went back onto the site, looking for the interactive decision assist tools that I briefly glimpsed when the content went online a year or so ago.


OK, class, follow along.  I'm taking note and there will be a quiz.

Go to the Performance section; there should be 3 doors :



(the units are different on the last two compared to the first)

Choose Door Number One, Carbon Footprint. Or go directly to the Environment sub-section; Carbon Footprint will be up first.  You'll see (as of February 2010):



Image A


This defaults to KTons of Carbon Dioxide emissions, measured globally from SAP sites.



To get to the cool part, click, um, somewhere, and go to:


Here's a flashy controllable console, with segments for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 (the phrase "PLEASE OUR REPORT FOR ACTUAL DATA" needs a verb).  On the next 2 images, I'm showing the data displayed when you login, and a modified version I tweaked. The images might be a little muddled from getting them to fit into the 700x500 limit of SCN blogging.





Image D


Which, I think, is:


Note that I've reduced fuel consumption a bit, corporate cars are cut in half, and business flights are reduced to near-zero,  as is employee commuting.  The latter is going to be tough in America.  See below.


Image G

Now, back to the main site...

I thought when I looked the other day I didn't see the Newtown Square site, but it's there now.





Image H



Millions of Kilowatt hours per month.  Hmm. that's a lot of compact fluorescent bulbs.  No, it isn't, it's heaters, air conditioners and tons of computers.



Image J (parts 1 and 2)


This view slices the carbon emissions by region, and then views quantity per employee, rather than geographic area subtotals.


Image K


This has been cast as the per-employee contribution.  Note that this chart is flat for the past several years, unlike the total emissions.  You should be able to draw the conclusion that SAP has many more employees.  Do the math.


Image L




Image M


OK, sliced on the Americas, back to total emissions.  Though the Americas is second in regional emissions, the per-employee emissions are greater.  So maybe tele-commuting or other changes might have a bigger impact?



Lastly for the SAP view, here's a drilldown into contributions by Scopes 1 2 and 3.  The last is the biggest, and the biggest portion of that is business flights.  Who knew there was so much air travel?


Now, onto the personal view.  After all, one can't always point fingers.  The charts below are freely available on the internet (at least for the time being).  We've cut our electric use after installation of a new heat pump.  After that, though, we still took 1,000 kWH from our annual consumption from 2008 to 2009.






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