India is reeling through a massive & disruptive second wave of COVID-19, SAP India continues to rigorously work closely with non-profit organizations and our strategic partners to support the community to
Globally, SAP leadership is committed to resilient community building, well being of India's citizens and SAP employees. SAP is intensifying the COVID care solidarity fund with a total of €3 million in as COVID-19 Emergency Fund. €1 million of this fund will go to COVAX (the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. COVAX is co-led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi, and the WHO, as well as long-term SAP partner UNICEF) to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world.
We will undertake the following community based interventions
Augment public health and healthcare infrastructure:
- The second wave of COVID19 put enormous stress on the country’s health care and public health infrastructure. Indian citizens in general and many SAP employees in particular have been under the grip of high prevalent COVID-19 infection which has resulted in over utilization of life saving support services such as hospital beds, medical oxygen supplies, ICUs with ventilators, vaccines, etc.
- SAP in India, through its non-profit partners viz., NASSCOM Foundation and UNDP aims to create make-shift hospitals with necessary infrastructure to support the patients. These make-shift hospitals are going to be adjacent to existing hospitals and will get the support of doctors, nurses, and other para-medical staffs from those hospitals. The additional make-shift hospitals will act as additional infrastructure and shall contribute to ease the short-supply of healthcare infrastructure. SAP, with the support of Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA), Government of India has already supported the construction of make-shift hospital in Bangalore, through CSR funding which will create additional 100 bed capacity in the existing hospital. Team CSR India is also constantly exploring opportunities to create more infrastructural support.
Offer preventative care measures for citizens, including SAP employees
- SAP in India works towards providing PPE kits, hygiene kits, high quality face masks, and sanitizers to people in need, frontline workers, and vulnerable citizens. These are essential preventive requirements against the spread of COVID-19.
Deliver homecare support for citizens, including SAP employees:
- While we help increase the capacity of the hospitals, we also aim to help the needy COVID patients under home quarantine so that most of the patients can be healed at home, as only the critical to most critical of the cases need the requirement of the hospitalization. This will help not just ease the stress of citizens & employees to obtain the services at home but also lessen the burden on existing over-capacitated healthcare infrastructure and services.
- SAP, in collaboration with NASSCOM Foundation and Portea will enable free doctor consultations to the patients including SAP employees needing home care support by providing them with COVID care kits (oximeters, thermometers, etc.) and all the basic and necessary medicines required for non-critical COVID patients. The team of experts/doctors will also train the patients to self-monitor themselves, check on their progress through daily calls, and even provide Oxygen Concentrators, if required.
- We will further provide support to those employees who have already exhausted the insurance coverage and the 'care for life' limits.
Conduct awareness and sensitization campaign for COVID-19 vaccination:
As we collectively work to turn the corner on the COVID-19 pandemic, the range of impact across the globe and in India particularly is becoming more visible. The surge of infections in India is a call for greater investment to help our collective cause. The battle against COVID-19 affects all of us and we can only win it together.