SAP Experience
Hello SAP, thank you for inviting us to Super Bowl City. The event itself was amazing due to the fact that there were so many fans there. It was fun to interact with SAP staff members and the new technology they were demonstrating. With SAP’s help, the experience of the Super Bowl City was twice as fun as it would have been otherwise. Merging technology with sports is a great idea because it gives us the Super Bowl experience to many people who cannot experience it otherwise. SAP has done a great job making Super Bowl City very enjoyable.
Of the activities in which Sequoia students and teachers participated, my favorite activity was the Oculus Rift QB game. It was an amazing experience playing games in virtual reality because it was my first time. I had heard so many great things about the VR and the games and activities for people who own the headset. The other games that used motion sensor devices were very fun too. These devices tracked our movements as we played the game. The last game we played was biking against others. This activity was very physical as I worked with two other people to get the best score. In general the whole day was enjoyable thanks to SAP and their technology.
For our younger generation, technology has been helpful in many cases. Technology had made life a lot easier because everything can be shared in seconds like scores of a game, as SAP demonstrated at Super Bowl City. SAP did a wonderful job hosting their own event at Super Bowl city and did a great job presenting their own products and ideas to the public in a way many people certainly enjoyed. I personally love technology and am hoping to work for a company such as SAP in the future. Hopefully Sequoia High School will participate in many other SAP events. Super Bowl city was the experience of a lifetime and to be hosted by SAP was a pleasure.
-Jomari Estacio