A big draw for the SAP Month of Service is mural painting. As part of the SAP Month of Service, we work with the Foundation of Hospital Art and create wall murals that are featured in hospitals all over the world. The goal of the Foundation of Hospital Art is to supply hospitals and care units with colorful murals or paintings free of charge.
The murals are a collection for separate canvases with bold outlines and color dabs to indicate what color to paint where. Separately, it is hard to determine exactly what the subject is that is being painted; it looks like modern art. Though when completed and the pieces assembled, elephants, fish, birds and other wildlife appear.
Forty five people showed their true colors by coming together as a team on the Palo Alto campus to help paint. Our colleagues, rich palette of talents and skills from many areas and disciplines, from Emerging Technologies, Analytics, Big Data, IT Security, Products & Innovation, and those working with UA and UI - User Assistance and User Interface - shoulder to shoulder, sharing stories and stains (it was water based, so the paint stains washed out).
To best illustrate their efforts, our painters showed the flair of Chagall, the bold strokes of Van Gogh, and the discipline of Mondrian. While indulging in this artistry, they chatted, connected, and worked in concert to finish our selection of murals. A rolling, carefree event, with colorful brush-stroked accents.
The tumult and the shouting dies; the captains and the kings depart, but before going, several painters volunteered to to take the remaining paints and brushes to share at their children's schools. And the artwork was carefully packed for the next part of its journey - to bring color and delight to a hospital ward somewhere.
People at SAP volunteer and contribute to our communities all year round. It ain't just paint, SAP supports a number of activities that innovate, educate, and donate for our Month of Service.