It’s no longer a secret: Corporate ridesharing saves costs and improves a company’s carbon footprint. But it can do far more than that. Ridesharing also strengthens employee loyalty, enhances work-life balance and encourages networking. Find out how companies and employees benefit from corporate ridesharing solutions:
Employer Branding
Rail strikes, traffic jams, delayed trains: From time to time it can be quite a challenge for employees to get to work on time, particularly if a corporation has its headquarters far from the city center or in a rural area. The issue is even more pressing for generation X and Y, whose levels of car ownership are significantly lower than in previous generations.
However, ridesharing is a promising alternative – both for employees and companies. Not only do corporate carpools offer employees a more flexible commute, they also signal that the company takes their needs seriously. That strengthens existing employees’ identification with the company, but also boosts an employer's attractiveness among potential job candidates, particularly young talents.
Whatsmore, in comparison to subsidized travel schemes, the ridesharing app TwoGo is by far the cheaper option to get your employees from A to B.
Employee Benefits and Satisfaction
Corporate carpooling works like an indirect pay raise for your employees. As they travel together, they will save fuel and maintenance costs for their cars while at the same time still being eligible for commuter allowances. Consequently, they will have more money left at the end of the month. Compared to public transit, carpooling has yet another advantage: employees have a guaranteed seat. They will no longer have to stand in crowded train compartments, change vehicles or waste time waiting for their connecting train or shuttle service. And as a result, employees will be more relaxed when they get to work.
By the way, the same goes for their car-owning colleagues. If they occasionally let others drive, they will suffer less from commute-related stress because they won’t have to weave their way through rush-hour traffic or search for a parking space. Studies even suggest that employees who share a ride to work are more satisfied with their overall job situation and work-life balance than their colleagues who commute solo. This in turn has a positive influence on their job motivation and productivity.
Extended Working Hours
Carpooling makes employees better networkers. The reason is obvious: co-workers who commute together get to know each other better - beyond departmental borders. And when they start talking, it’s often about work. The informal atmosphere also provides a good opportunity for sharing ideas, exchanging work-related information or even advancing joint projects – all without additional costs for companies.
Interested in the TwoGo business solution? Feel free to contact:
Melanie Paul