How much paper do you use in a day? A month? A year? According to the 2018 State of the Global Paper Industry report, the global average is 55 kg per person per year, while regionally the consumption of paper in North America is the highest, reaching four times that at 215 kg per person.
That’s a lot of paper.
Unfortunately, the great amount of paper consumed is not without consequence. Since 1990, the world has lost over 178 million hectares of forest
[1] – about the size of Libya – partially due to production, farming, and other human-involved activities.
While individuals can work to reduce their paper consumption, businesses, too, can do their part to make an impact. Many organizations are rightly introducing sustainability programs to their corporate social responsibility initiatives. Sweeping changes could be made to improve the energy-efficiency of equipment or businesses could commit to using only environmentally friendly materials across their departments.
Or, it could be as simple as making a technology purchase – online.
Making sustainable change with SAP App Center and SAP Store
SAP recently rolled out a program to plant one tree for every online purchase made on
SAP Store and
SAP App Center. This program not only will help SAP reach its goal of planting 5 million trees by 2025, it also ensures each purchase made on SAP App Center and SAP Store benefits the customer in their business and beyond.
This new program compliments sustainable operations already embedded into SAP App Center and SAP Store. On both digital properties, it is easy for customers to find, try, and buy the SAP or partner solutions that solve their business challenges both quickly and efficiently. Digital transactions virtually eliminate the use of paper and customers can be up and running on new solutions within minutes. The online channels also provide existing customers with recommendations and complementary offerings, while allowing customers to add to existing subscriptions in just a few clicks.
Additionally, sustainability software,
such as the partner solutions available on SAP App Center, can help businesses promote social responsibility and comply with government regulations. Organizations can manage their impact across departments using tools, sensors, and calculators. Complex supply chains can improve environmental outcomes by managing their suppliers’ impact. Or carbon emissions can be monitored and controlled throughout the business to commit to a reduction in carbon footprint.
In addition to providing enabling technology and processes to customers, SAP hopes to lead by example and has set its
own focus on sustainability – with a goal of being climate neutral by 2025 and committing to
1.5°C science-based emissions reduction targets aligned with a net-zero future. By improving SAP’s own sustainability performance, it allows our business to gain insight that can help our customers do the same.
Whether purchasing a new solution wholly digitally, selecting sustainable partner solutions that help to reduce the environmental impact of your business, or simply making a transaction that plants a tree, conscious buying on behalf of your business can make a difference – today and well into the future.
Learn more about planting a tree with SAP on SAP App Center and SAP Store.
[1] “Global Forest Resource Assessment”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2020