Last week we saw an interesting headline in the news. CGF (Consumer Goods Forum) and TSC (The Sustainability Consortium) accelerated their partnership with the goal ' end deforestation'. The membership of both organizations (~500 members) total a revenue stream of roughly $6 trillion. So there is some weight behind.
CFG committed to ' achieve zero net deforestation by 2020' focusing on key commodities responsible: soy, beef, palm oil, paper and pulp. Both organizations partnered up already back in 2012, but now plan to bring the partnership to a new level.
The idea is to leverage TSC's updated version of toolkits as a solution for CFG. Part of the new toolkits is a applicable KPI set for tracking land transformation and deforestation.
SAP is involved because our partner TSC is using the SAP PSN platform for hosting the TSC toolkits. Walmart is already using it to 'assess' their suppliers.
But with the inclusion of these new kind of KPI sets that also incorporates RSPO and FSC certification aspects (among others), the assessment of suppliers based on their KPI responses takes a new dimension.
Read more here.
A few 'Deforestation' facts from the web:
- The world has lost already 50% or 75 million acres of it’s temperate rainforest
- Deforestation causes the loss of over 137 plant, animal and insect species per day. That is over 50,000 species per year
- Some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year—equivalent to 36 football fields every minute.
- Each year, the world produces more than 300 million tons of paper (= 4 billion trees)
- Each year, the US alone generates 2.3 tons of CO2. A healthy tree stores about 13 pounds of CO2 annually