Everything is ready, I finally got the Visa. Tomorrow I fly to India for one month. I will work for an NGO to help them to set up their strategy for the coming years. They provide education to over 1500 children coming from the slums. I hope to do well. I don't know what to expect. The only thing I can say is that life has its sense of humour. I have been saying for years that I was not sure I will ever visit India. I am not attracted by eastern spirituality, too proud of my individualism compared to the Asian collectivism, scared to see too much poverty because unable to cope with and accept it. For sure and I hope so, this month will force me to go out of my confidence zone and challenge my beliefs. I am not going there to search myself or my soul and I don't expect neither to radically change my thinking or my perception of the world or life, but for sure a calibration will be welcome. In life we are like cameras and we should never stop focusing the reality in front of us. In reality we are often too scared to change, too lazy to search and we get stuck with an image of the world that is only a blurred projection of our self. Experiences like this one should be exploited to adjust that focus without the arrogance or the illusion the get the absolute truth but with the humble spirit of getting closer as much as we can trying to become a better man day by day.