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Transfer Purchase Requisitions as FORECAST from S4 to IBP Time Series Planning Area Key Figure

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Hello Experts,

We have a requirment to transfer Purchase Requisitions as Forecast from S4 to IBP Time-Series Planning Area custom Key Figure. Can someone explain me in layman terms, what is the process or approach i should follow to transfer purchase requisition created in S4 as forecast in IBP. Do we need to create/develop new extractors? Any existing BadI and Functional module that can be used in S4 for this purpose. I really appreciate, if you provide detailed explanation since i am not an expert.

Regards, PK09

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Read Table EBAN for purchase requisitions directly in CI DS with relevant filter criteria. If data has to be fetched based on MRP type on MARC, the CI-DS consultant can deploy an ABAP routine with an inner join on MARC and EBAN. 

The relevant data fetched from S/4 can be inserted in the 'Consensus Demand' Key figure in your Time Series planning area at the relevant planning level. 

