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Total Business Volume RBVT getting summed at header level in contrast to REBV

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Hello Colleagues,

we would like to use scales across mutliple clients in Multi-Customer condition contract type with the help of RBVT condition that SAP advises to add and a new scale base formula that refers to RBVT as scale basis of RES1.




Now the pricing at tem level of a settlement document looks correct:


However, at header level total business volume is resulted as the sum of item values:



We expect it to behave, similar as REBV at header level:


The wrong value  of RBVT at header level leads to wrong %-Scale determination.

So the RES1 gets overwritten at header level after the correct calculation in the first place and re-distributed at item level.

Any ideas what is misisng here? Or some pricing procedure has to be maintained for RBVT to corrcet such behaviour?


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the proposed solution has 2 problems:

1) in production, with high business volumes, RBVT being summed up at header level will generate an overflow error (it happened to us already after 3 months we were live)

2) if RES1 (ZRS1) is not a group condition, then it's calculated only at item level (and not recalculated at header level), then rounding errors will arise for sure.

Unfortunatelly the documentation on RBVT (and RBVS) is zero, so I couldn't help but share that today I have THE solution!

To avoid RBVT to be summed up:

  • RBVT must be a header condition
  • RBVT must be a group condition (group routine: 1) 
  • RES1/REA1 is recommended to be as group condition (group routine: 1)
  • RES1/REA1 must have scale routine 2 (subtotal 5, corresponding to pricing condition RBVT or pricing procedure RBVS in the pricing procedure)


With this setup, RBVT is calculated once at header level and then distributed across the items, proportionally to the item rebate business volume REBV.

Below is a sample settlement document:

  • RBVT (customer group BV) = 7.577,13 EUR
  • REBV item 1 = 139,80 EUR >>> RBVT quota item 1 = 4.611,19 EUR
  • REBV item 2 = 89,92 EUR >>> RBVT quota item 2 = 2.965,94  EUR



Item 1:


Item 2:


Please note:

You can use RBVT on:

  • Single-customer condition contracts (0S01), when customer A gets a bonus with scale on volume of customer group A+B+C
  • Multi-customer condition contracts where each of the customer A, B and C gets a bonus on their own revenue, with scale on volume of customer group A+B+C

But, since RES1 is now defined to use subtotal 5 as scale base, unless you use a different condition type (without scale routine) for the scenario specifically, remember that you cannot user RBVT on:

  • Multi-customer condition contracts where each customer A, B, C gets a bonus with scale on their own revenue, with scale on their own revenue as well.

In this specific case, RBVS must be used instead.

  • RBVS must be an item condition
  • RBVS is not a group condition
  • RBVS is also assigned to subtotal 5 in the pricing procedure

In addition to that, you must specify "Amount fields - split criteria" in your Business Volume Determination Profile. Split criteria at header & Item level for condition type RBVS must 100% match the settlement document split criteria. 

Settlement doc split criteria:


Amount fields split criteria:


Pricing procedure:



It took me exactly one year to figure out how to set this up. I hope you will enjoy this! 🙂

