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Storage Bin in Inventory module

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Dear Expert

Need solution for this Business scenario-Business don't want to use WM module. In Standard IM module currently we can extend only 1 Bin for 1 Storage location for 1 Material and it's updated in MARD table. Can we enhance in MMSC so that it will allow more than 1 Bin for 1 storage location & also Z Table similar to MARD to update more than 1 Bin. Also need BAdI enhancement so that for every goods movement it will update in the table. Can we do this enhancement ? will there will be any impact or pls suggest if any other solution possible?

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Active Contributor

Hello spatrajuchem

You don't want to implement WM but at the same time you want to implement rudimentary warehouse management functions like update storage bins with movement types with custom enhancements. So you want WM without WM. Of course you can implement that with custom code - ERP is an open source solution and ABAP is a Turing complete programming language, thus you can program anything you want. But why would you do that if SAP has already provided that functionality in the form of LE-WM or EWM? SAP solutions are bought because they already provide required functionalities, not because functionalities can be implemented with custom code.

The bottom line is - don't reinvent the wheel, use standard.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

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Hi Dominik, Thanks for your reply. Business don't want to use TR/TO. Yes WM/EWM is the best option. Let's see.


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spatrajuchem Tell the business, they can't eat their cake and still have it. If they want to have storage bin management, then TR/TO need to be used.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

The solution is warehouse management... whatever type of.

The field in the table MARD is just a text field, this is for non warehouse managed storage locations - where the material is only in one bin (or lean WM, where you also only have one bin per material).




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Let's not mix lean WM in here. Lean WM is not warehouse management solution, it doesn't provide stock management on storage bin level. It is only to handle put away and/or picking processes with transfer orders.