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Stock Transfer btw EWM to MM-IM

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there are two storage locations within the same plant: SL01 is EWM-Managed and SL02 is IM-Managed. i am trying to trasfter stock from SL01 to SL02 by using MIGO with movement type 313, once i posted, system generated an outbound delivery:

800000121. Then i performed activities in EWM and posted GI, outbound delivery 800000121 changed its status "C" with document number 4900000726.

The question is, how can i do goods receipt for Storage location SL02?

in MB52, stock is in column "In-Transit/Transfer" not in unrestricted-use.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Hello ratana.pouy

Movement type 313 is the first step, i.e. issue in Two-Step Procedure - Storage Location procedure. As your issuing storage location is EWM, then 313 posting is a goods removal from the warehouse perspective. After 313 is posted, the stock is in transfer to the receiving storage location.

Now you need to post the second step, i.e. receipt in the destination storage location SL02 with movement type 315 in the MIGO transaction - see Placement Into Storage at Receiving Storage Location

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos


If your requirement is to transfer the stock from EWM to IM location, you can work with single step transaction using post unplanned goods issue using NWLO-Storage location GI Process.

Forward and reversal transaction is simple in this.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello RTN P,

It should be posted directly to receiving location. Anyway you can use movement type 352 (Transit to unrestricted) to convert the stock to unrestricted.

Please confirm if it's works for you.


Neeraj Jain

Active Contributor

313 doesn't post directly to receiving storage location. 311 does. 313 and 315 are two-step transfer between storage location within one plant.

Active Contributor

Right, thank you for correcting me. Just confused about 311 and 313.


Neeraj Jain