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SAP IBP: Same value in KF in current and all future periods

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Hi all, 

My customer requires that they have in key figure Average price, in current month one value (which is obtained from the average of last three months on invoices) and the same one for all future periods.

I can get the averaged value via IBP_RAGGR function, but it does not allow me to have the current value propagated to the future. 

This calculation should be rolling, so each month I have new value.

An option to use a copy operator is definitely not desirable. 

Do you have some ideas how this can be fixed?

#sapibp #integratedbusinessplanning #sapintegratedbusinessplanning #supplychainmanagement

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Hi Katarina, you can use an auxiliary key-figure which will have the value set for current period only (just a simple IF statement in the calculation). This key-figure can then be used to determine the target key-figure values in the future using IBP_CAGGR with SUM. Other options can be found as well.

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Hi  KatarinaDajic

The KF where you are doing the RAGGR make sure that is on a planning level without time period (e.g PERPRODLOC). By doing so you will get the avg value in the current bucket.

Now on the same KF,in the actual planning level (e.g MTHPRODLOC), Write the expression IF (PERIODID=PERIODID4, KF@PERPRODLOC,NULL ), then in the input section add a KF (stored or calculated) which is at MTHPRODLOC andhave time periods and planning object generated. By doing so you can acheive your requirement.

for reference look into the IO standard KF for IO error CV (most probably IOERRORFORECAST is the name)

Let me know if that helps