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S4HANA TM Creation of outbound delivery when stock available for few items in sales order

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We are using TM-EWM integration, all embedded in S4HANA, whenever planners create delivery from Freight Order using Follow up -> create delivery function, system throws an error mentioning "An item with no delivery quantity is not permitted. Item will be deleted"

The reference sales order which was choose it has 2 line items both have got confirmed on same date so one Freight Unit is generated. But during delivery creation it was observed that only one of line item has stock. So even when we try to create delivery through VL01n the delivery gets created with one line item. But when trying to create delivery from Freight Order it doesn't create delivery for atleast one item in which stock exists.

In the above scenario is it possible from TM side to create delivery with one item and for the other item where stock is not available system creates a new Freight Unit?



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In general, system response looks fine. If you don't have stock for one line, then SAP TM should not allow you to create delivery at all because your FO has both lines. You need to also adjust your FO to one line only before you create the delivery.

Before all this- I am bit confused how are you creating delivery from FO with ASR integration. I hope you are working with ASR integration, Is not it? or you are working with EWM TM integration based on EWM TU?

With ASR integration, process is EWM driven. So Delivery needs to be created first in S4 CORE and picked from EWM system then only FU are available for the planning. If EWM delivery is not created and picked the FU will remain in blocked status for planning. So, I need to know first how did you manage to create FO from the FU?

in short, you need to adjust your FO to only available items to allow delivery creation, as FO is created for all items, but then you wish to create delivery only for the few ones.

I checked , we can't delete assignment of items from FU in SAP TM system directly.



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Hi Aslam,

Thanks for taking time and replying for my question. We are working with EWM TM integration. So we create delivery once the freight Units are planned in Freight Order and then we set the load plan status so that TU gets replicated in EWM.

In our scenario, there are multiple lines in sales order more then 20 -30 and each day business plan atleast more then 50 Freight Units. So currently we perform ATP check for that sales order where we see this issue, so that the confirmed dates in the sales order for that item gets in future and thus system splits the Freight Unit. As we have configured Freight Unit based on confirmed dates. But this manual activity is time consuming so wanted to check if there is any settings as through VL01n system allows to create delivery for the available items.

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ok- so you are not working with ASR integration that excludes the need to work with TU.

May I know what was business reason to not go ahead with ASR based integration between TM and EWM?

Now come back to your point:

Once you re-do ATP for the SO then FU split is done based on different confirmation date of ATP-> Is this FU split not triggering update to FO accordingly? How does your FO look at this moment? is that still attached to old FU's and items?