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RF: Restart transaction

0 Kudos

I have to restart a RF transaction to be able to clear all dynpro screen values automatically. I tried the following options already:

1) Clearing all input fields via the changing structures:
Unfortunately the dynpro screen values are not being updated though all changing structures had been cleared. I also have the problem, that it seems as if the screen field references to the changing structures are getting lost (I enter a number and the related changing structure is not being updated anymore).

2) Use Fcode = 'CLEAR' oder 'CLRALL'
The Fcode is only being executed in dynpro PAI and thus not suitable as I don't have called a screen yet. I will do so but have to reinit all screen fields after a decision making in a function module (decides which screen is to be called).

3) Use Fcode = 'CMPTRS'
Transaction is being exited instead of reinitialised though inter-transaction flow defines "Same transaction" as default navigation.

4) Use Fcode = 'CMPTRS' together with set_ltrans( 'ZTEST' )
A new session is opened without finishing the previous session first (this is in fact being done after calling CMPTRS in the new session though). Thus this would lead to a session overflow after some time (ZTEST calls ZTEST calls ZTEST and so on until max. sessions reached).

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Ok, figured it out: If one sets the inter-transaction flow to "3 - Same Transaction" and the function code to CMPTRS the transaction is restarted and therefor all values are cleared and screen reinitialised.

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