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Rebate in kind - processing in EWM


Hi all,

I have a question regarding rebate in kind items and how they are processed in EWM.

We have a customer order with a material that triggers the creation an additional item (of the same material) in the order, e.g. 3 pieces of main item trigger 1 piece of additional item. The same structure is transferred to the delivery (items).

Technically, both items are related to each other by have LIPS-UEPOS = 00010 and LIPS-UEPVW = C in the additional item (main item is 00010).

All that is SAP standard and works fine on the ERP side.

When the delivery is transferred to EWM that reference is lost and EWM seems to have two independant items to process.

When debugging the distribution in programme LV50KF01 the value C for LIPS-UEPVW is "ignored" and no mapping is done (see screenshot).

Can anybody tell me whether this is the correct behaviour?

(ERP = S4, EWM = 9.5)

Best regards Andreas


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"When the delivery is transferred to EWM that reference is lost and EWM seems to have two independant items to process."

That is not different from WM, isn't it? Even if the delivery has such an information, for picking this does not really matter.

"Can anybody tell me whether this is the correct behaviour?"

I would think so, although it might be nice to have such an information.

But does it create any issues?




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hi Jürgen,

if the process runs straight forward there are no issues - in my example the pick quantity is simply 3+1 pieces.

BUT, and here things start to get interesting, what if we have less than those 4 pieces left? In that case it would be quite nice to know that we are talking about 3+1 rather than 4, meaning that knowing the relationship will help to handle that situation.

For example, the business rule could then be "Do not pick the additional item at all (set to zero, process code) and try to pick as much as you can from the main item".

Another example: the additional item is a totally different article, e.g. you get a present if you order more than a certain quantity. Again, knowing that the present item is related to another item, could help to implement underdelivery rules. (Sales BOMs could possibly do the magic here, but the SD team does not really see that as a favorite).

But, having your (and Daniil's) feedback is valuable already as I do not have to wonder about the behaviour and start over from there.

BR Andreas

Active Contributor
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Hi Andreas, yes, seems to be standard.

I guess it would be a development requirement on EWM side if you do something with dependent item (pack together, or cancel if main item not found). Not sure how to do it better, aside or try to implement own hierarchy. Maybe it would work as a group item.

Interesting topic, I hope somebody knows more about it 🙂

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Thought about the group already myself. Will have a look at that.

Thanks for your feedback.