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EWM Outbound Scenario - Pick in multiple HUs for a single WO


I am trying to configure a scenario where outbound delivery is created for multiple materials stored in single storage type ( different bins ). When I create Warehouse Tasks , they gets assigned to single Warehouse Order as activity areas is same.

Now Ideally only one Pick HU is supposed to be created for a single WO which is working fine.

But my requirement is to Pick them in different Pick HUs ( not necessarily 1 WT per 1HU, there can be multiple WTs picked in 1 HU ) and it should be controlled by picker. But even if we create multiple Pick HUs, system assigns the first HU for picking and RF does not allow to select or scan any other HUs for picking.

Is there any standard solution available for this?

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Hi Tanaya, we have the same problem on our project. Have you already found a solution?

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how do you create the multiple Pick HUs? Automatically through a packaging spec and a packaging profile? Is the flag "Assgn WTs to HUs" set in the packaging profile? Because that should make an automatic assignment.

If you manually create the HUs, I guess the system always proposes the first HU and you need to enter an exception code to change the HU.



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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!
And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hi Juergen,

Packaging material is getting fetched from the Pack. Spec. but I am creating the HUs manually using RF.

I know exception code CHHU will work. But if "HU creation by Picker" is a part of standard warehouse process then it will be painful for picker to put the exception code every time while changing the HUs. I am trying to find if there is any option without using exception code.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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we have the same business requirement. Picker decides himself to finish a picking HU and create new picking HU. Have you found a standard way to fullfill that requirement?

No packaging sepcification is used, as the picker decides himself which packaging material and if a second or third picking HU is needed.

I mean if you go back in the RF menu 2 times the system asks you to move the picking HU to destination or leave it on ressource, so there is the possibility to bring picking HU to destination and then create new picking HU. But for that you have to select twice F7 (Back) and then enter Yes to bring HU to destination, that is not so practical at all.
