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"Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible" while creating a warehouse task in EWM

0 Kudos

Hello, I am new to EWM.

I would like to create a warehouse task for inbound process.

but, I am facing the issue the "Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible" from /scwm/saplui_todlv which is standard program with no any modification.

anyone help to solve this problem ?

-------------------------- detail --------------------------

when i create a WT in /scwm/saplui_todlv, can see ABAP dump


ABAP program : /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP


See below picture for understading.

a) click the create+save or create wt button in STD program.

b) system shows below ABAP dump...

please help me out this issue..


-------------------------------------- Entire source code in ST22--------------------------------------------------

Category               ABAP programming error
ABAP Program           /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP
Application Component  SCM-EWM-WOP
Date and Time          2023.01.04 08:38:45 (UTC+9)

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible.                                       |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP application program.                                                        |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "/SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP" had to be                         |
|     terminated because it found a                                                                |
|    statement that could not be executed.                                                         |

|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    You are trying to access a component with a 'ZERO' object reference                           |
|    (points to 'nothing'). Variable: " ".                                                         |
|    An object reference must point to an object (an instance of a class)                          |
|    before it can be used to access a component. The reference has either                         |
|    never been set, or it was set to 'ZERO' with a CLEAR statement.                               |

|Trigger Location of Runtime Error                                                                 |
|    (Program)                               /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP                      |
|    (Include)                               /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CCIMP                   |
|    (Row)                                   44                                                    |
|    (Module Type)                           (METHOD)                                              |
|    (Module Name)                           LIF_GET_BADI~GET_BADI_RMS_STRATEGY_SAP                |

|Source Code Extract                                                                               |
|Line |Code                                                                                        |
|   14|    get_badi_rms_strategy_cust                                                              |
|   15|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
|   16|                iv_lgnum       TYPE /scwm/lgnum                                             |
|   17|      RETURNING VALUE(ro_badi) TYPE REF TO /scwm/if_ex_core_rms_strategy,                   |
|   18|                                                                                            |
|   19|    get_badi_filt_sort_stock_cust                                                           |
|   20|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
|   21|                iv_lgnum       TYPE /scwm/lgnum                                             |
|   22|      RETURNING VALUE(ro_badi) TYPE REF TO /scwm/if_ex_core_rms_determine.                  |
|   23|ENDINTERFACE.                                                                               |
|   24|                                                                                            |
|   25|CLASS lcl_get_badi DEFINITION CREATE PUBLIC.                                                |
|   26|  PUBLIC SECTION.                                                                           |
|   27|    INTERFACES:                                                                             |
|   28|      lif_get_badi.                                                                         |
|   29|ENDCLASS.                                                                                   |
|   30|                                                                                            |
|   31|CLASS lcl_get_badi IMPLEMENTATION.                                                          |
|   32|                                                                                            |
|   33|  METHOD lif_get_badi~get_badi_rms_strategy_sap.                                            |
|   34|    DATA: lo_badi TYPE REF TO /scwm/ex_core_rms_i_strat.                                    |
|   35|                                                                                            |
|   36|    TRY.                                                                                    |
|   37|        GET BADI lo_badi                                                                    |
|   38|          FILTERS                                                                           |
|   39|            lgnum = iv_lgnum.                                                               |
|   40|      CATCH cx_badi.                                                                        |
|   41|        " implementations messed up                                                         |
|   42|        ASSERT ID /scwm/core_badi CONDITION 1 = 0.                                          |
|   43|    ENDTRY.                                                                                 |
|>>>>>|    rt_badi = lo_badi->imps. " Multiple use BAdI                                            |
|   45|  ENDMETHOD.                                                                                |
|   46|                                                                                            |
|   47|  METHOD lif_get_badi~get_badi_rms_strategy_cust.                                           |
|   48|    DATA: lo_badi TYPE REF TO /scwm/ex_core_rms_strategy.                                   |
|   49|                                                                                            |
|   50|    TRY.                                                                                    |
|   51|        GET BADI lo_badi                                                                    |
|   52|          FILTERS                                                                           |
|   53|            lgnum = iv_lgnum.                                                               |
|   54|        ro_badi = lo_badi->imp. " Single use BAdI                                           |
|   55|      CATCH cx_badi.                                    "#EC NO_HANDLER                     |
|   56|    ENDTRY.                                                                                 |
|   57|                                                                                            |
|   58|  ENDMETHOD.                                                                                |
|   59|                                                                                            |
|   60|  METHOD lif_get_badi~get_badi_filt_sort_stock_cust.                                        |
|   61|    DATA: lo_badi TYPE REF TO /scwm/ex_core_rms_determine.                                  |
|   62|                                                                                            |
|   63|    TRY.                                                                                    |

|Active Calls/Events                                                                               |
|No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line   |
|      Name                                                                                        |
|   27 METHOD       /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP    /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CCIMP    44  |
|      LCL_GET_BADI=>LIF_GET_BADI~GET_BADI_RMS_STRATEGY_SAP                                        |
|   26 METHOD       /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP    /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CM003     2  |
|      /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS=>GET_BADI_RMS_STRATEGY_SAP                                           |
|   25 METHOD       /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CP    /SCWM/CL_BADI_CORE_RMS========CM001     6  |
|   24 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLREM_BIN_DET               /SCWM/LREM_BIN_DETF11                 241  |
|      SRC_TYPE_DET                                                                                |
|   23 FUNCTION     /SCWM/SAPLREM_BIN_DET               /SCWM/LREM_BIN_DETU01                 131  |
|      /SCWM/REM_BIN_DET_INT                                                                       |
|   22 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLL03A                      /SCWM/LL03AF0D                         94  |
|      STRATEGIEN                                                                                  |
|   21 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLL03A                      /SCWM/LL03AF0B                        161  |
|      STRATEGIEN_VORB                                                                             |
|   20 FUNCTION     /SCWM/SAPLL03A                      /SCWM/LL03AU26                         38  |
|      /SCWM/L_TO_PREPARE_ITEM_INT                                                                 |
|   19 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLL03B                      /SCWM/LL03BF0E                        433  |
|      TA_MANUELL_MULTIPLE                                                                         |
|   18 FUNCTION     /SCWM/SAPLL03B                      /SCWM/LL03BU22                         95  |
|      /SCWM/TO_CREA_INT                                                                           |
|   17 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLTO_WHR                    /SCWM/LTO_WHRF26                      106  |
|      CREATE_WT_PROD                                                                              |
|   16 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLTO_WHR                    /SCWM/LTO_WHRF03                      239  |
|      PREPARE_WHR_TO                                                                              |
|   15 FUNCTION     /SCWM/SAPLTO_WHR                    /SCWM/LTO_WHRU01                      118  |
|      /SCWM/TO_PREP_WHR_UI_INT                                                                    |
|   14 METHOD       /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVADI                    694  |
|      LCL_SP_ASPECT_OI_DLV=>CREATE_TO                                                             |
|   13 METHOD       /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVSPI                    171  |
|      LCL_SP=>/SCMB/IF_SP_ASPECT~EXECUTE                                                          |
|   12 METHOD       /SCMB/CL_BASE=================CP    /SCMB/CL_BASE=================CM001   282  |
|      /SCMB/CL_BASE=>ACTION                                                                       |
|   11 METHOD       /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVOII                    102  |
|      LCL_TA_OI=>/SCMB/IF_CONTROLLER~OKCODE_HANDLER                                               |
|   10 METHOD       /SCMB/CL_CONTROLLER===========CP    /SCMB/CL_CONTROLLER===========CM003    21  |
|      /SCMB/CL_CONTROLLER=>OKCODE_DISPATCH                                                        |
|    9 METHOD       /SCMB/CL_TOOLBAR==============CP    /SCMB/CL_TOOLBAR==============CM004    16  |
|      /SCMB/CL_TOOLBAR=>ON_FUNCTION_SELECTED                                                      |
|    8 METHOD       CL_GUI_TOOLBAR================CP    CL_GUI_TOOLBAR================CM007    18  |
|      CL_GUI_TOOLBAR=>DISPATCH                                                                    |
|    7 METHOD       CL_GUI_CFW====================CP    CL_GUI_CFW====================CM001   138  |
|      CL_GUI_CFW=>DISPATCH                                                                        |
|    6 METHOD       /SCMB/CL_CONTROLLER===========CP    /SCMB/CL_CONTROLLER===========CM003    25  |
|      /SCMB/CL_CONTROLLER=>OKCODE_DISPATCH                                                        |
|    5 METHOD       /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVTM1                    210  |
|      LCL_TA_MANAGER=>OKCODE_DISPATCH                                                             |
|    4 FORM         /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVF02                     26  |
|      PAI_0001_END                                                                                |
|    3 MODULE (PAI) /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVI01                     19  |
|      PAI_0001_END                                                                                |
|    2 FUNCTION     /SCWM/SAPLUI_TODLV                  /SCWM/LUI_TODLVU01                    164  |
|      /SCWM/CALL_TODLV                                                                            |
|    1 EVENT        /SCWM/TODLV_C                       /SCWM/TODLV_C                          34  |
|      START-OF-SELECTION                                                                          |

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Participant
0 Kudos


It is related to the coding error. Please check with your technical team. The code written in the BADI implementation has some error.

It might be related to the field symbol assignment during runtime.

Please post the entire ST22 dump so that we can analyze in detail.



0 Kudos

Thanks for your comment. posted the entire ST22 code.

Best regards,



Resolved the issue with applying the note - 3249852.

Thanks for your support.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Kim

Could you please explain how did you apply the Note 3249852. Because when i see the note i did not find any instructions to solve this error.

It would be really helpfull if you provide bit more explanation to solve this error.

I really appreciate your help,

Thank you,


0 Kudos

This note has correction instructions. Implement it on your system it will work.

0 Kudos


Today we resolved the issue by applying the note - 3249852.

Thank you very much!

0 Kudos
please explain how did you apply the Note 3249852

Answers (0)