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Price difference in physical inventory in EWM

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Hi Experts,

Is there any option to display currency/price value for differences, while doing counting or after the count in /SCWM/PI_PROCESS so that user can decide to do a recount if the currency/price value is huge.

I know that the value is displayed in DIFF Analyzer, but i need during count.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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"on that note Daniil what on earth does recount tolerance actually do? I was never able to figure that out"

Mohamed Malyh described the use of the recount tolerance group here:

The information what is missing (AFAIK) is that this tolerance group is only relevant for a user counting with RF. So if the user to whom this group is assigned to, counts using RF and the tolerance is exceeded - then a recount document is automatically created.




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

Active Contributor
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Hi Jürgen, I am not sure if it is only in RF, the check itself is implemented in the Lime Core (/LIME/IF_EX_PI_OPERAT_CORE). So technically should work not only from RF.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Daniil,

in some other posting I found the remark that it only works for working with RF. And during a test where I tried with all three options (RF, Fiori app for paper based counting and /SCWM/PI_PROCESS) this also was the result I got: a recount document was only created when I used RF. But please try, I am always eager to learn something - and maybe it was a bug in the release I tested :~>



Active Contributor
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Hi juergen.pitz ,

For me it worked (release 1909) well from /scwm/pi_process, I tested different ways (with and without auto posting after counting, and with different tolerance group after posting). There different process based on LM active or not, if active user taken from via LM, and it is important to set proper counting user in the popup in /scwm/pi_count, because it be used if LM not active to read the tolerance group.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Wow!!! OK, need to check this.

Active Contributor
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Hi Padma, it is by design, EWM should work with the goods and not with the money 🙂 Often people in Warehouse should not know price of the goods.

So it is a development.

ps. my bad, I had to suggest /scwm/mon from the beginning

0 Kudos

Agreed, then WHY do we have the same option to display currency value field in RECOUNT in WM.Even WM is a Warehouse solution from sap.

Active Contributor

in EWM you have recount tolerance, which can be as well value based. So you can use it maybe. Another option would be to use Warehouse management monitor:

Active Participant
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on that note Daniil what on earth does recount tolerance actually do? I was never able to figure that out