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Posting Physical Inventory Documents through the warehouse monitor in EWM

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Hello all,

I searched around for quit a while but haven't had any luck on this particular question/ topic.

I have a user who is assigned to a tolerance group for posting inventory difference which has the "No. Tolerance" boxes checked for both percentage based and value based ("NO LIMIT"). However, when the user is logged in and tries to post an inventory document through the warehouse monitor, they are prompted with an error....

Item 000001 cannot be posted due to exceeded tolerances

I set a trace for this user and watch them try and post this count again through the warehouse monitor. When I go and check the SQL statement, I see that when the program gets to table /SCWM/T_TOL_POST (Table for posting differences), it's using WH_CLERK.

The user who did the actual counting with the RF device is assigned to the WH_CLERK group.

So my question is, when posting physical inventory documents via the warehouse monitor, is the system using the tolerance group of the user who did the original count or should it be using the tolerance group of the user who is logged in and trying to do the actual posting?


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Active Contributor

Hi Scott, it should be the user who does the posting.

Could you recheck settings in the /n/scwm/pi_user, maybe it is wrong Activity area. For the Recounting user performed counting be used.



0 Kudos

Hi, check is also in the Warehouse level, checking in function /SCWM/PI_UI_TOLERANCE_CHECK. Check maintenance view /SCWM/PI_V_LGNUM "Specify Physical-Inventory-Specific Settings in Warehouse" and "COUNT_TOL" field value, it should not be = 0.

0 Kudos


Customizing was set correctly. Issue seemed to be that when a user has a tolerance group change while they are logged in, this new group isn't updated, maybe it's cached.

When the user logged out of SAP and back in, they were able to post the inventory document in the warehouse monitor.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


this could then really just been caused by the warehouse management monitor. It reads and "buffers" customizing and master data settings on startup of the transaction. So probably leaving the warehouse management monitor and opening it again should have solved this.




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

0 Kudos

Got a question related to this subject. According information I required it should be possible to automatically trigger a recount document (probably based on tolerance group for recounting?). Unfortunately I have not been able to have the system automatically trigger/create a recounting document. Appreciate an answer if this is possible and if yes, what should be the (customizing) settings to make this work?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


According information I required it should be possible to automatically trigger a recount document (probably based on tolerance group for recounting?). Unfortunately I have not been able to have the system automatically trigger/create a recounting document. Appreciate an answer if this is possible and if yes, what should be the (customizing) settings to make this work?

Yes, that is what the recounting tolerance group is for. The trick is that it must be properly connected to the user who did the counting.

When working with RF it is simple: the user is logged on the resource, so if his or her recounting tolerance is exceeded, a recounting document is automatically created. But when you work with the desktop transaction, it is not the user of the one entering the data, but the one of the "counter". That is what you enter in the field when processing the PI document. Now this field is an open text field, you can enter whatever you want. If you enter the correct user, it works, recounting is triggered. But if you enter any other name (or a user with a higher tolerance), recounting is not automatically triggered.



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Thanks very much for your reply Juergen! I was testing it via the desktop not knowing this free textfield was so important to make autotrigger recount work.

0 Kudos

Hello Scott

System takes the current tolerance group assigned to the user who is posting the count differences.

You case is very strange.

Out of curiosity I tested and found that system does take consider the tolerance group assigned to the user who is posting the differences.

see below two screenshots

Low tolerance group assigned to the posting user

Higher tolerance group assigned to the posting user- all worked. Posting done.

Can you please check the settings of your no tolerance group? if you have set check boxes for no tolerance, then you must not enter any value for allowed percentage or value based tolerance.

Regards- ASLAM