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Planned Departure Date in the FO is getting changed when consolidating multiple FUs into Single FO

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Planned Departure Date in the Freight Order is getting changed when consolidating multiple FUs into Single FO.

Scenario: Same Delivery Date and Different Customers

FO is created from Freight Units Worklist, Capacity Document->Create One for Multiple Requirement Documents.

Customer expectation is as below


Can you please support.

Thank you.

Mohammed Azeez

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Mohammad,

the understanding of the (standard/linear) freight order seems to flawed here. The default freight order has a defined and linear stage sequence(basically representing a truck). If you Driver from Shipping Point to Customer A and arrive on the 29th you can of course not depart on the 28th from Customer A.

The 2nd example indicates that you are not wanting to use a standard freight order(like for e.g. FTL scenarios), but you are actually want to simply settle multiple loads via a single document.

I can recommend you to look into two options:
Either check if you could use a freight order with stop sequence type(it's maintained in FO customizing) manifest, which is what we use for Parcel FOs. Or you could think about using the consignment order as the settlement relevant document and create a consignment per OD pair.



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Hi Emanuel,

Thank you for the information.

I tired in two different ways:

1) Changed stop sequence type to "Star Shaped based on FU stage" in FO.

Created FO, but Planned Arrival date in the FO is blank.starshaped.png

2) Changed stop sequence type to "Star Shaped based on FU stage" and Webdynro Application Configuation as "/SCMTMS/FRE_ORDER_MANIFEST" in FO.startshape-and-webdynoro.png

Created FO, but we could not able to find Stages tab.


Mohammed Azeez