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Picking WT split by weight and volume

0 Kudos

Hi, I'm having issues doing a WT split based on weight and volume. I have a picking WT for a total of 84 EA. WOCR is determined and packing specification OBDL is also determined. In the pack spec I have set maximum weigh and volumen in order to create the pick HU. I was expecting to create two WT, one for 70 EA and the other for 14 EA based on the weight and volumen restrictions for the pick-hu. However the system ignores the pack spec because the weight was exceed so no split WT is performed.

Any ideas?


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" In the pack spec I have set maximum weigh and volumen in order to create the pick HU. I was expecting to create two WT, one for 70 EA and the other for 14 EA based on the weight and volumen restrictions for the pick-hu."

The pack spec is one thing. What does your packing profile show in the parameter "split WT"? Must be A WT Split when too large for an HU or B Always Split.




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hi Lukas, do you have rounding down (2) for this process?

0 Kudos

I tried but it doesn't work. My source storage type does not manage HU.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

quantity should be determined from the packaging specification. I do not have a working example for this to be 100% sure, another option could be AUoM. But since you mentioned a Packspec, I thought it should fit.