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Physical inv & batch management

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Hi colleagues

i have question related with PI and batch mgmt.

i exlplain my case:

1. i`ve created PI with: frozen stocks (IKPF -XBUFI) and block posting (IKPF-SPERR) for SL eg. 1000 with all materials (some with batch mgmt., other without).
2. i have created PO for materials
a) with batch management
b) without batch management
3. I went to MIGO and i was not able to GR material without batch - it is ok, but fot material with batch mgmt. system created new batch and allow to make GR.

Counting PI was not started.

Now i wonder Is this the correct operation of the system or should I change something in the configuration. 
I thought that if i marked block posting wouldn`t be able to make GR for this materail general. 

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Active Contributor

Hello @lukkurylo 

As per note 1502321 - Physical Inventory Posting Block Removed

If a material is batch managed then it is possible to make a goods movement posting for the material but for a different batch.

This is because the actual posting block is set on the batch table MCHB (SPERC) and not on table MARD for the material.

So it is the correct system behavior. 

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski