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In Outbound POSC WT for OB04 hasn't created

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In Outbound POSC I have 4 external steps OB01 to OB04 . Till OB03 WT are getting created when I confirm the previous WT(on HU completed in pack work centre , OB03 WT got created) .

When I confirm the OB03 WT , no OB04 step WT is getting created . I tried '/scwm/adhu' to try to manually move to the 9040 storage type(by giving the bin) but system says the below message 

'Storage process step OB03 determined for HU' 

Destination data set to 9020 Y099 <bin name> due to storage control.

Also I see the External process step of the HU is showing 'OB02' inspite of HU being completed



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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OB04 in the standard is a loading step. And it makes sense that this WT is not automatically created when the WT before is confirmed - because then the next resource may just drop the pallet down the door, but before the truck has arrived. You might want to create all the loading WTs once the truck is there. For this you have an extra transaction, where you can create unloading / loading WTs (don't know the TA code now).

Edit: to see how it is setup, you would have to check the customizing for your process.



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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!
And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!