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IBP OBP SAP7F : Add a custom object into demand prioritization condition (in planning run profile)

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Hello Experts,

I have a requirement to setup a demand prioritization based on an attribute at customer-product level (coming from a 3rd party system into IBP).

Is it possible to bring a custom object (say customer-product) into the demand prioritization conditions (of planning run profile) - IBP SAP7F based planning area?
By default it only has Demand, Location, Location-Product, Product and Ship-to-Customer. I would like to add a custom object like customer-product to it. Is it possible?

The MD type is already added to the planning area and is active, but is not available to select in app. An attribute added to ship-to-customer was automatically available (as per extensibility), but new MD types are not. Any possibility to do so?

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Did you solve this requirement? I have the same question. I would also like to know how to use the 'CustomAttributesXX'.



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They dont have it and I submitted an improvement request with SAP and got feedback that it is being considered - not sure when it will be out.
In its absence, it will need data modelling (virtual MD) to handle these, which was not that great a solution. Not fully solved as of now.