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How to Create new Warning Message in SAP APO (Web UI / Web application)

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Hi Friends, Experts,

All I want to create a WARNING message (not an error) and it must be displayed when the RMA items are packed for creating ASN.

The requirement is, while creating ASN to check the RMA item data and If any differences found, then a warning message to be displayed in the top after packing is called (RMA items view) or before the HU creation is carried out (in the HU view)

I have declared the logic through an implicit enhancement under /SCF/CL_MDLTBV_RETASN_ITM->SAVE_DATA but the warning message is not appearing when the packing action is called either in the RMA items view screen or in the HU view screen. I can see the message only if I hit the back button/icon from the ASN items / HU view.

declared code:

l_msglog type /SCF/CL_PDATA_CNTRL.

MESSAGE w000(ZMSG) INTO lv_message.
iv_msgty = sy-msgty
iv_msgno = sy-msgno
iv_msgid = sy-msgid
iv_msgv1 = sy-msgv1
iv_msgv2 = sy-msgv2
iv_probclass = '4' ).

The above logic is writing the warning message but the display happens only when the back button is called of from ASN items/HU view.

Please help to prompt the Warning message in the WebUI screen.


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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ss.pngHello ,

I am having same query but for SAP Solution Manager ChaRM web UI.

The requirement is - I want to display error / warning message in between of details and status overview window.

Please refer attached screenshot for the same.(In YELLOW highlighted area).

Thank you.

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There is a BADI: Validation in validation framework. Use that and then you can get the warning/error message when you press check/draft or publish. You would need to do configuration for "validation". It is present SNC > basic settings > validation > There you can do your own settings starting from defining the custom validation check to profile and a group. You can define it at item level or header then select message to be warning in draft & error at time of publish for example.

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Hi Ankit Bhargava,

First thank you so much for your time here and helping me out.

This is a really a valid and seems suitable one to try and see the expected result from my end but sorry to say, I am a ECC developer and new to this SNC. So I need more help & points from you and don't mind please.

You can define it at item level or header then select message to be warning in draft & error at time of publish for example.: So I need I have gone through the settings and found my validation check spot but it has to be displayed only when the criteria has met and not for all the times.

For ex: RETURN_PRODUCT_BATCH_MISSING : This message must be thrown/called only if it meets some criteria that will be coded in the associated WDA programs and not for all the times.

So, please let me know, how this validation check will be used in the Webdynpro application methods or in the associated programs to check the criteria before this message will be executed.

Thanks for letting me know your answer again.

Kind Regards.

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Hi Ankit,

Gone through the F1 technical details and found the BADI:/SCMB/IF_EX_BOL_VALFRMWRK.

Studied the standard settings and also saw the entries published in the BADI importing parameters.

But, for Return ASN, as I understand, this BOL framework can be defined/achieved only the below 4 processes.





But, my requirement is to throw the warning message when the RMA items are packed based on the batch validations.So, if I am not wrong, this BOL framework will not be used for my requirement. But, I will wait for one more day and see if there is no response, I will accept yours as the answer as it'll work anyway for similar requests but SAVE or PUBLISH event.Thanks a lot.
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Hello Manikandan,Sorry for the late response. Here You saw 4 which are standard. You can custom (validation check followed by profile then group) config and using that config can build your own validation their. Not a good practice but can can add custom validation check under standard validation profile too which is used for ASN SAVE & PUBLISH. It will work as per your expectation. Please reward points if helpful.

Link for validation checks: