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How to configure FIXED BIN Strategy in Embedded EWM

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Hello Experts,

I set up FIXED BIN 0050-01-02 for Item 100160 in Embedded EWM.

And when I try to post GR for Item 100160 in MIGO ,2 things happened I didn't expected.

1) I expected 0050-01-02 will be proposed as Storage BIN but no value was proposed.

2) I tried to post GR item 100183 in 0050-01-02 which was fixed bin for 100160, and I could hove post GR with no error.

I guess more configuration is needed, Could you support and tell me what to do next?

The configurations I have done were as like below.

1.Define Storage Type 0050 as Fixed Bin

In customizing for SCM Extended Warehouse Management>Extended Warehouse Management>Master Data>Define Storage Type.

2. Adopt the storage type data and maintain the maximum number of bins in warehouse product


3. Assign the fixed storage bins to the product


4. After GR post, Item 100183 was in 0050-01-02 BIN with no error

Best regards,


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Product and Topic Expert
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"And when I try to post GR for Item 100160 in MIGO ,2 things happened I didn't expected.

1) I expected 0050-01-02 will be proposed as Storage BIN but no value was proposed."

What? You post GR - and then expect that this happens in the fixed bin? That is not what is supposed to happen.

You post GR in the staging area. Then you putaway the material - and with the proper putaway strategy it will go into your fixed bin.




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hi Rashid,

Thank you for your answer!

The URL you suggested is for stock removal strategy

So I refer this SAP Help for putaway strategy

I confirmed all prerequisites are correctly set but Fixed BIN strategy doesn't work in MIGO

I'll ask again,

When stocks are posted directory in BIN at MIGO, It seems any Putaway strategies are not considered.

Does Putaway strategies only work during inbound process?

Best regards,


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I defined Storage type search sequence for Fixed Bins according to below Blog

But still no value was proposed as Fixed Storage BIN for item 100160 in MIGO screen when I try to post GR.

Let me ask you a question.

Does the Fixed bin strategy setting in this blog works in MIGO GR screen?

In this blog, he created Inbound delivery at last and confirm stock is correctly sent to the Fixed bin.

But currently, I don't have a plan to create inbound delivery.

Best regards,


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MIGO is S4 screen,

Putaway strategy is initiated when you create warehouse task. As i cannot see all the setting in your system another approach to troubleshoot is get the log when trying to create warehouse task.

Please follow below. step

Use transaction /SCWM/TODLV_I

Enter warehouse request and execute

Once the WR appears click on the CREATE WT button and check the log.

You can share the log if you want so that i can help to find the root cause

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What is your putaway strategy ?