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Goods Reversal in EWM errors

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We are new to EWM and are struggling on how to do a GR reversal for an EWM material. We tried using VL09 for the Inbound Delivery number but receive error "Cancellation of goods movement from decentr. systems is not possible.". WE also tried to delete the reversal for the line item directly in the Inbound Delivery but receive error "Cannot post goods movement; completion status (DCO) of delivery nnnnnnnn is set". Need to know what steps we are missing or doing wrong to be able to reverse a GR in EWM

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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"Why would VL09 and a GR Reversal button in Inbound Delivery exist if it was not possible? "

Because you can work with inbound delivery and a embedded WM - and then it works. But a decentral system works differently.




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

Active Contributor
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Hi Scott, GR cancellation after DCO is not possible in standard. See OSS Note fore more information.

0 Kudos

Thanks Daniil. Neither of our error messages are listed in that note. Why would VL09 and a GR Reversal button in Inbound Delivery exist if it was not possible? If the system doesn't truly allow it, what do other SAP users do in these situations? It's not super clear from the note. Appreciate the help.

Active Contributor
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as Juergen already said, it is for the scenario when you, for example, use IM managed storage location.

In your case reversal should be done in EWM, and in EWM it is already too late to do it (DCO status is set, restrictions in the OSS). You can do return via tcode MBRL on ERP side and perform return delivery process in such case.