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Formula of co2 emission for electric vehicle

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I am a student. I am doing a small project for my study. I have done the end to end process in SAP but somehow I am stuck in the calculation part. I am not sure how to do CO2 calculation in multi dropping senario. I would like to have the percentage of CO2 emission. I can do the calculation manually if needed but I am not sure if we can get the percentage by using SAP TM. Any suggestion will be helpful.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Farjana,

I am not totally sure whether I got your question right. An electric vehicle would not produce a carbon emission (at least not during travel).

Are you interesred to know how a calculated emission of a transport is distributed to the loaded freight units?

Then assume a Freight Order travelling from A over B to C, carrying 2 Freight Units, FU1 with weight W1 and FU2 with weight W2. FU1 is unloaded at point B, FU2 travels to the end at C. Let us assume we have the calculated result on stage level (according to - we call it X and Y.

Stage A-B: Emission X

Stage B-C: Emission Y

Hence in total the Freight Order would have an emission of: Z = X+Y

Let us define the total weight W of the transported goods W = W1+W2

Then we have the

contribution of FU1 by: [W1/(W1+W2)] X = [W1/W] X

and the

contribution of FU2 by: [W2/W] X + Y

and the relative contribution of FU1 by: (W1/W) (X/Z)

and the relative contribution of FU2 by: [(W2/W) X + Y]/Z.

This approach is only correct in case of a linear transport - it is not 'fair' for FU2 in case of a detour due to FU1.

Hence you would need to allocate the contribution of a FU by calculating the ratio of the product of its weight and (shortest) travelled distance and the sum of the weight distance products of all FUs.

emission(FUi) = di wi/[SUM i to n (wi di)] Z

0 Kudos


Please check the SAP help documentation where you can find the formula for multi-drop scenario, if you don't get clarity still may be adding few more details to your question could help. 🙂

