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Force optimizer to not Plan on all available resource by default

0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

We are experiencing a new customer demand which consists to add a new production constraints (Mold) for Time series scenario.

I would like to make sure how Time series Optimizer can plan production on only one resource per week for each product when several production sources are available?

(the planning time bucket is Week)

The business scenario is the following: Each product can be produced on different production lines depending to the available capacity but never on two lines at the same week because the mold can be physically available only in one line.

Per our setting, each product has one production source header and production source resource for each possible production line. The preferred line has a lower fixed production cost than the others.

We tried to create a dummy resource for the mold and an additional production source resource, but the Optimizer still can split the available capacity between the different production sources.

You help will be very appreciated


Maher Seltana

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Maher,

unfortunately this is currently not possible, i.e. you can only steer the optimizer via costs to utilize the resources after each other, but can't enforce an exclusive usage.

For 2024 we have the roadmap item Tactical supply planning: fixed production resource capacity consumption, this will allow an exact modelling for your use-case.

Kind regards, Carsten

0 Kudos

Many thanks Carsten, this confirm our concern.

We have already found this new functionnality in the roadmap but SAP doesn't give an exact date to deliver this option.

hopefully it will be earlier in 2024 because it's quite urgent for our customer.

Best Regards,

Maher Seltana

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