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Extending the a field Message Text in Message Queue

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I've came here to ask if there's any way to extend the field in message text?

We can see on this screenshot that the message is not displayed fully and it's missing a batch - there's only 2 first numbers.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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you mean the display in the warehouse management monitor, yes?

It is probably possible - but I think I would not recommend this. Because I have seen stuck queues already where the message you see in the warehouse management monitor is misleading. Means, it does not show the "correct" error, but something which only comes afterwards. It is better to check the complete log.




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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hello Juergen, yes I mean the display in the WMM, I would love to know if it's possible and if it is then how can I do it because it would make my work with the queues a lot easier. I do know that it's not always showing the correct error but from the example in the screenshot I know that this type of error is always correct.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


ok, if you are aware of it, that is fine. Again, sometimes resp. depending what the issue is, the line shown is not the real issue - but with experience you learn these of course.

This is definitely not customizing, you will need a developer for that. You can select the text field in the display, use the F1 help and then the technical help to see the information like the table (in this case the structure /SCWM/S_MSG_QUEUE_DISP), and the field (ERMESS), which has a length of 73 characters. So this would need to be extended (in your own structure copy, I guess), question is of course where the text comes from and where it might be cut already.

And then add your own structure in the node profile for the warehouse management monitor (or also rather copy the profile, add it there, and add this profile in your own monitor).

And that is all I can say about that - I am no developer, have no idea what else you might run into when doing that 😮

