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EWM putaway rules 2 Addition to Existing Stock/Empty Bin

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Hi guys,

How can achieve multiple materials to the same bin for "addition to Existing Stock/Empty Bin"?

what setting should be done for that.

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"How can achieve multiple materials to the same bin for "addition to Existing Stock/Empty Bin"?"

Putaway Rules- General Storage Area (One Storage bin for each storage section) fits your requirement however need to set up strategy and capacity... to get desired result.

Also read the OSS- (As per Juergen described above).

Please let us know if you have further questions.

Kind Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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What should be added: while the documentation describes that in a general storage area you only have one storage bin for each storage section (and this is what we usually assume) - this putaway rule also works with a shelf, means with more then one bin. What you need to do (anyway) is set up some kind of capacity check.



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Test is OK.For achieving FIFO , batch management and HU management can achieve that.Is that possible other solution ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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multiple materials means different quants. That is no addition to stock, but mixed storage. And with "2 - addition to stock/next empty bin" the system will not create a mixed storage by itself - only if your storage behavior is also "2 - Bulk Storage".

Edit: the strikethrough text above is of course nonsense (not sure what I had today...). You putaway rule must be "4 - General Storage Area". Only in this strategy the system by itself will create mixed storage. Of course mixed storage also must be allowed. And the storage behavior is then "Standard Warehouse".

With the storage behaviour "2 - Bulk Storage" and the putaway rule "2 - Addition to stock/next empty bin" you can allow mixed storage - but the system will never do that by itself (there is a note about that).

2nd edit: somehow this page does not allow strikethrough, so it is the text in italics, which is wrong.




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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!