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EWM: move stock to different storage type

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We have a requirement to transfer stock to a different storage type (e.g. from pallet to shelf), once a minimum level of stock (based on pack spec ) is reached in the bin.

The stock consolidation /SCWM/STOCK_CONS aims mainly to free up bins in the same storage type from my understanding, so that is not really what we need. Is there a badi or something where we can adjust the creation of WTs to guide the stock to another storage type? Or can we do it just per customizing?

Or is transaction /SCWM/REAR the way to go?

Thank you.

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Hi Juergen, I haven't looked at it from that perspective. But I am not sure if the process really corresponds to replenishment, since we look at the source bin to reach a minimum stock level that is moved elsewhere (to free up a pallet bin to move the small quantity to a smaller shelf bin) and not at the target bin.

The goal is to free up pallet bins. Example: if only 2 or 3 cartons of the material are left on a pallet, that once contained 40 cartons.
Thank you,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Allright, then I indeed got that wrong, it is like a negative replenishment ;-).

OK, free up not well used bins, make sense.

As Daniil wrote, consolidation is meant to combine partial quantities. OK, that might be interesting for you then as well, but that is of course a different thing, not only freeing bins, but also combining quants, that might be something you don't want to do. But this at least does use the pack specs. The transaction does have a quite extensive documentation, did you read this already?

Rearrangement is based on the optimal determination of storage type / storage section / bin type, based on settings in the warehouse product. That does nothing just based on quantities (wherever they come from) (at least in the standard).

I don't think that this is anything existing in the standard which is meant for something like that, at least I am not aware of something.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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"We have a requirement to transfer stock to a different storage type (e.g. from pallet to shelf), once a minimum level of stock (based on pack spec ) is reached in the bin."

So what you want to do is replenishment? ( But based on pack specs, instead of quantities in the warehouse product?




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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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I think it should work with Reorganisation and quantity classification to move only small HUs. Consolidation is about put two or more quants togetehr, and not about move one quant to another bin.