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EPMTUPLE - IBP local member disappears from planning view?

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I can successfully insert a local member into an IBP planning view, for example using the formula:


However, if I go into the report editor, and change the local member's formula into:


Then the local member disappears from the planning view. Why is this please?

  • The attribute LOCID is present in the planning view.
  • The scenario BASELINE is present in the planning view.
  • The key figure KEYFIGURE1 is present in the planning view.

Anyone who has more experience with regards to EPMTUPLE and who can share some practical info on what it can and can't do?

Please note I have a planning view with a Layout of Row Axis: "Key Figure", Column Axis: "Scenario". This means that (in the planning view) the scenarios are and should be put next to each-other per column.

The goal/context here is that the local member, which should be inserted in an extra row below the key figure KEYFIGURE1, should substract the baseline's key figure value from the same key figure value of the particular column (of a particular scenario).

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Example 1:

KF1 For Region 1 as percentage of all KF1 Value of all the Regions

Changing the order doesn’t Affect Local member as long as they are in same axis (Region and Key-Figures), BUT CUSTREGION and Total Customer Receipts should be in same axis.

Example 2:

Percentage change of KF1 from LY Vs CY

Year and KF on same axis in layout


In this case Year and KF should be on same axis.

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Hi @raghunath sarathy, I wonder if you could add one more example which uses [SCNID].[].[__BASELINE]?
Have you been able to create such an example (referencing the key figure's value in the Baseline) with EPMTUPLE?
For the context, think of a planning view in which both Scenario 1 (in 1 column) ... + possibly other Scenarios (in subsequent columns) ... as well as the Baseline (in the last column) are shown.

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Hi Vincent

Please find one such example


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Hi @raghunath sarathy, in your example with EPMTUPLE([SIMID].[].[__PLAN];[PERIODID1].[].[90055];) above, what exact settings did you use for the local member (see screenshot below of the "Report Editor")? Please note I have a planning view with a Layout of Row Axis: "Key Figure", Column Axis: "Scenario". This means that (in the planning view) the scenarios are and should be put next to each-other per column.

I find that, for example when using the simple formula =EPMMEMBER([SIMID].[].[__PLAN]) I can only get it to display, in case I choose the settings of the local member as "Insert After" (Use Microsoft Excel cell references can be checked or unchecked, it has no effect) & "Attached to: Dimension: Scenario".

If I use any other setting, it disappears from the planning view. Note that this setting creates an extra column, which is not what I desire. I wish an extra row to be created for the local member. As (in the planning view) the scenarios are and should be put next to each-other per column. Such that we can later, using the local member, which should be inserted in an extra row below the key figure, substract the baseline's key figure value from the same key figure value of the particular column (of a particular scenario).

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Hi Vincent

Its Member combination

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Hi @raghunath sarathy, thank you. I agree with you: if choosing this Member Combination (Baseline + 2024), then the new local member "(fn) 2024" does appear in the planning view. However: it appears in an extra column, right next to the Baseline. Which is the same as in your example screenshot This also means that the new local member's value only appears once per row, which is not desired since the context/goal here is for the local member calculate the difference between a scenario and the Baseline in the value of a key figure; and this for each scenario. Thus, I would like the new local member to appear in an extra row, right underneath another key figure. In this way, the new local member will have different values, depending on the column (any of the scenarios which are ordered per column) it is located in.

Would you find any way of achieving this?