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Does Planning Area data automatically save to DataSource?

Former Member
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Hi Guys,

I am trying to view the data from my Planning Area in the created DataSource. I can see data for the characteristics but not for the key figures, they are all saying 0.

My question is, is there something I need to do to get my Planning Area data into this DataSource or does it update automatically when I save my data in a Planning View? If so, am I using RSA3 wrong to see the data?

Thanks very much in advance


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It depends on what kind of key figure it is . Are you copying values from auxiliary key figures to actual key figures and trying to view that data in RSA3 ? If so you have to first run the macro (or make it a default macro) that calculates the values of auxiliary key figures and copies them to actual key figures . Then run RSA3 immediately and you should see the values.



Former Member
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Thanks for your reply. They are not auxilary key figures, they are newly created InfoObjects that I have added to the Planning Area/Books, DataSource and InfoCube. I replicated the DataSource so I can see the new KF's in there and I have created data for these but I can see no data still for these or any KF's in RSA3

It's quite baffling

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RSA3 is used to test data extraction, but not really extracts data to infocube.

It's a good idea to test in RSA3 whether datasource is working fine.

Make sure that you have set 'Data Records / Calls' and 'Display Extr. Calls' big enough to have the data to be extracted.

Or you make detailed selection condition so that the data to be extracted is not that much.

First make sure for a certain selection, you have data in the planning book (the data should be those saved in liveCache, but not generated by macros). Then you test the same selection in RSA3.

Best Regards,


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DP Planning Area data is stored in Livecache only. You need to run an Infopackage to extract data into the ODS/ Datasource and then a DTP to get it into a Infocube.

Rishi Menon