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Distribute EWM product master to external system


Hello EWM experts,

EWM offers a possibility to connect a external WMS by EWM-WCS interface (IDOCs /SCWM/WMTORD, /SCWM/WMTOCO,...) as a "black box" scenario defined as:

  • EWM one storage type, one storage bin
  • no HUs.
  • stock on bin/HU level is managed in external WMS.

In this scenario, the external WMS may also require warehouse number, storage type specific product master data .

Now the questions comming into place 🙂

Which message should be used to replicate EWM product master ?

How should a change in /SCWM/MAT1 trigger a message distribution ?

  • change pointers are not available in EWM
  • Data Replication Framework (DRF) could be used, but triggers also only MATMAS,RFC or Service API

As you see below, sending MATMAS from ERP to external WMS does not make any sense any more in this scenario as the external WMS is below EWM in system hierachy and requires EWM warehouse number / storagey type specific data.

MATMAS does not contain /SAPAPO/MATLWH, /SAPAPO/MATLWHST struct data.

Any ideas ?

Fortunately, we have an embedded EWM, thus we use a extended MATMAS including own defined the /SAPAPO/* segements as workaround, triggered by DRF. But this will not help in decentral EWM (on non-S/4 Core like EWM 9.5) where no MATMAS IDOC exists.

Best regards,

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Product and Topic Expert
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don't want to say that I understand your scenario or requirement. But if your decentral EWM is an S/4HANA system - of course you have there all the classic message types, so MATMAS exists there as well, you also have a material master. So if you extended MATMAS to include your required segments, you should be able to do this in the decentral EWM system as well.




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Hello Juergen,

thanks for your comment, you are right, in an EWM on S/4, MATMAS is available. So I corrected my question to make it more clear that a MATMAS is not availible on a non-S/4 based decentral EWM like 9.5.

Nevertheless, a external WMS is below EWM in the system hierarchy means this logical system should be the sender of any message to external WMS.

In ERP, someone do a MM01, MATMAS is created by change pointer and sent to EWM. Arrival in EWM creates material master there, but as no EWM views are maintained yet in /SCWM/MAT1, no IDOC should be sent to external WMS. Now /SCWM/MAT1 is maintained,but this change does not trigger change pointers, so DRF should be used then to create an extended MATMAS to WMS which is fine but still works only in a EWM environment where a MATMAS is available.

So my hope was something like a well defined /SCWM/PRODMAS IDOC containing all /SCWM/MAT1 data, creation triggered by DRF if a MATMAS from ERP arrives, someone did a /SCWM/MAT1 change or a MM02 (in an embedded environment)

Best regards,