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Disaagregation Keyfigure across different planning level in IBP

Former Member

Hi All,

I am having a stored KF "A" at Daily-Location base planning level .I got another stored KF "B" who is at Daily-Product-Location now i want to store value in 3rd KF "C" @dayprodloc who should be having calculation based on A@dayloc - B@dayprodloc. How to achieve this.



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Hi Arun

First thing first, you should have your required KF in the calculation at the same level. If one of the KF is at the different level, you have to get that KF on the same required level. In your case, KF A is at DayLoc level and you want the KF C Calculation at DayProdLoc using KF A and KF B (this is at the correct level). There is two option you can get KF A at DayProdLoc level, one is KF calculation within KF A to get at the required level or use DIAGG operator to copy Disagg number at the required level. The second option will require another KF, let call it KF A1@DayProdLoc level. You will need to create DISAGG Operator where you will copy KF A@DayLoc to KF A1@DayProdLoc level.



Former Member
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Thanks for your response but il rephrase my query.

Product Location KF Day1 Day2

FG ABC Produced 70 100

Consumed 0 0

RAW1 ABC Produced 0 0

Consumed 30 50

RAW2 ABC Produced 0 0

Consumed 20 30

Now what i want here is that copying produced value from FG and keep it at RAW product level and save it another KF let say Producedcopy. So how to achieve this and if i take this 2 KF at location level so i will be getting club value of produced and consumed so now this produced quantity how can i copy it to RAW product level and store in KF producedcopy.



0 Kudos

Hi Arun

Am not clear on the requirement. Can you show the requirement in the excel in below format what you want to achieve?

Former Member
0 Kudos

This is resolved .. Thanks Ankur