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Dashboard and Analytic chart are not display on the new planning area

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I would like to know why the charts of Dashboard and Analytic are not display on the new Planning Area, even tough already copied the current PA to the new one from Planning Area APP.

Is it due to a missed setting or necessary to create new dashboard data in a new PA each time once copied from current planning area? I understanding if copy the PA from IBP1 to new one which will be copied including the dashboard and Analytic charts too, however why is there no possible to be apply with current PA to new PA.

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Copying Planner Workspaces, Analytics, and Alerts are available for selection when performing Planning Area Copy from a SAP delivered Sample Model like SAPIBP1 or SAP7.

An improvement request is already submitted to IBP Customer Influence channel, please "Vote" to get the functionality to copy analytics / alert from a non-sample model delivered.

Best regards,