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Can Pallet Storage Behaviour be used with Empty Bin Rule Near Fixed Bin?

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I have configured a reserve racking storage type with Storage Behaviour: Pallet Storage.

In the same storage type I have Search Rule Empty Bin set to Near Fixed Bin.

When testing a putaway of an inbound delivery Pallet Storage takes president and the Near Fixed Bin Rule is disregarded.

As standard, does Near Fixed Bin only work with Standard Warehouse Storage Behaviour?



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


I suppose the main issue would be the following...

"In the same storage type I have Search Rule Empty Bin set to Near Fixed Bin."

That means you have set that setting in the storage type, yes? Anything else? Because the main settings are in the node "Storage Type Control: Near to Picking Fixed Bin ". Here you connect the fixed bin storage type and the storage type with the strategy "near fixed bin". And there you have to enter the structure of the bin, means what part stands for aisle/stack/level.

With pallet strategy bins in the storage type are created during creation of the WTs. Now even if the positions of the identifiers for aisle/bin/level do not change (they don't) - not sure if the system really reads this properly.

But most probably debugging this thing during the WT creation and trying to figure out what happens is the only way to answer this.




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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

And actually I just look into the documentation of this node. And it is surprisingly long and detailed (although I am not sure if everything is really correct).

But there it says "For the reserve storage type, set up the putaway behavior "Standard"." - so, I guess this answers your question.



0 Kudos

Hi Juergen,

I have configured Near Fixed Bin correctly including the putaway strategy behaviour as when I take the Pallet Storage setting out of the storage type the storage bin being determined in the WT creation is the empty bin nearest the fixed bin for the product. When the pallet storage setting is active the bin determined is the next empty bin and bin is sectioned as per my defined settings.

I will do as you suggest and confirm with a developer what the code is doing, I will report back here with the findings.

