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APO SNP: Stock Balancing

0 Kudos

We have only DP, but no SNP. But we have a req. Need to connect few DCs. And parent DC will push stock from Parent to Child DC, whenever there is shortage.

But the issue is no data in SNP pl book. I can transfer DP Demand to SNP book and by Safety stock method, I can calculate the safety stock at each DC. (No Planned Orders, other KFs). Now may be based on Safety/Target stock method, i can put limits. Now based on this, how to move the safety stock numbers from one DC to other DC, where there is shortage and how to communicate this to ECC ? There is function of Stock Balancing with Tpt Lane as blocked. How to use that balancing manually to do this scenario ?

I think i may not use Deployment as no Receipts involved here. Just pure Safety stock Key Figure in the Pl Book.

Any ideas ?


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Narendra,

Although I agree with Thomas on his recommendations of using standard SNP, I can suggest creating a custom report in APO that uses standard SNP Function modules 'BAPI_PBSRVAPS_GETDETAIL2' and 'BAPI_PBSRVAPS_CHANGEKEYFIGVAL2' to read and write key figure values to SNP Planning books.

You can use the first FM to reach stock values, write custom code to accommodate your logic of moving stocks and then call the second FM to write stock/order values at your child DC.



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MRP in ECC of course can plans for stock transfer demand (creating stock transfer requisitions from parent to child DC if

1) the parent and childDC is part of the MRP planning scope in ECC

2) they belong to the same CompanyCode

3) plus you maintain the MRP related material master data accordingly in ECC MM (special procurement type to source products from the parentDC)

I think what you are asking for is more an overall project related topic where someone needs to have a look first what your ECC does and what you are trying to achieve in total combined with APO DP and/or SNP followed by an implementation project. This forum is trying to help members with dedicated and targeted questions around SCM for specific areas or functions and cannot provide full scope implementation direction - at least I would not try this over a forum/blog style.

If you have any (more-specific) question how to use APO-SNP getting your case covered I can try to contribute / help again.

0 Kudos

Thanks Thomas. I got the point. I will try with Scope of Planning in MRP and see. only challenge is Safety Stock calculation/ determination in ECC on the right SS Qty (I know SNP could do that but moving is challenge).

I think that SNP may not be the way to go.. Thanks again.


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Still not clear to me what you mean by this. "Balancing" from parentDC to childDC(s) -or- even amongst the childDC(s) after they go the products from the parentDC ? If you run forecasting in DP and MRP in ECC takes this into account to fill the childDC(s) already - why do you need a manual balancing today - becos of what ?

0 Kudos

Balancing - moving from one DC to another, wherever is extra. MRP does not transfer stock from parent DC to child DC or any other DCs. It just plans within a location by creating new planned orders. This calculation of safety stock and keeping the DCs with optimum levels is the challenge, currently done manually.

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If you run your supply planning for the childDCs using MRP in ECC (in this case SNP usage doesn't make sense) then I recommend to submit the DP forecast back ECC and let the MRP run create the stock transfer proposals (childDC material master pointing to parentDC via special procurment type for exyample).

1) Setup Publication profile in APO for "independent requirement" for all childDC(s) (= plant codes)

2) run transaction /SAPAPO/REL_TO_OLTP in APO to submit xour forecast (ends up in ECC as VSF elements)

0 Kudos

Thanks Thomas, We are already sending our DP FC back to ECC via Transfer Prfl. No issue here. and MRP runs in ECC based on that FC. But business needs to balance the stock among DCs automatically. now all manual work. So thinking how to enable this.

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If I understand your case correctly you are trying to replenish the child DCs from the parent DC whenever the stock within child DC is below Safety/TargetStock. This would be the classic case to use SNP (heuristics for example) to create the stock transfer requisitions (STR) where the child DC(s) request qty from parent DC and after the SNP run the STR will be integrated into ECC (in case you activated publication of external procurement elements from APO into the connected ECC) where you can convert them to Stock transfer orders.

0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your advice. But my SNP does not have any Planned Orders/ Pur Reqs. Its done in ECC. I am planning to activate SNP just for this purpose (by transferring FC from Demand Planning). So I generate Safety Stock based on Safety Days' supply method SZ/SM/ or MZ. Whenever Pl book is opened, the macro always calculates fresh from the demand KF. There cant be any reduction of stock at parent DC. So how can SNP Network Heuristic actually do the stock transfer one DC to other ?

Lacking clarity with me.

