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APO No dynamic pegging trigger via CIF Interface

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Hi friends,

we have a requirement to set the field /SAPAPO/MATRQ-PEG_NO_DYN(no dynamic pegging) in APO via CIF interface. The conditions are evaluated on ERP Side. The field is not included in any CIF interface structures.

We already use the Extension structure CI_MTKYCUS of interface structure CIFMTKYCUS inserting a respective Z field. This is set by us in EXIT_SAPLCMAT_001 which is triggered in the CIF transfer process.

Now the goal ist to set the field on APO Side. There is a migrated EXIT implemented as BADI interface IF_EX_SMOD_APOCF005 with method EXIT_/SAPAPO/SAPLCIF_PROD_001.
Here we can read the transfered additional fields passed in parameter IT_MATKEYCUS. In INCLUDE CI_MTKYCUS we added our Z field ZZPEG_NO_DYN on APO side.

IT_MATKEYCUS is passed as Changing parameter here, but finally PEG_NO_DYN is a requirements field to be stored finally in table /SAPAPO/MATRQ. But we do not have requirement fields in this BADI. Is there any function or method we could call here (or elsewhere) to set the field or another idea on how to set PEG_NO_DYN from ERP in APO via CIF interface?

I'd be happy to get an idea!

Thanks is advance, Clemens

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