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Anyone having a coockbook to implement transportation resources in IBP

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Hello Experts and Gurus,

Since a couple of days, I have been struggling to activate the transportation resource scenario in IBP, whereas activating the storage and Handling resource worked fine. Below is what I did:

For Storage / Handling resources

1- Create the Resource. Did manually although this should normally be done via CI-DS

2- Create the Location Resource to define capacity supply. Note resource type = 1 or 2 depending it is a storage of handling resource. Did it manually although this should normally be done via CI-DS

3- Create the Resource Location Product to define the consumption rate of the resource for each unit of my products

4- Run heuristic, thinking the necessary PLOBS would be created like this is the case for other planning levels. Did not work, no results

5- I had to create manually the PLOBs on WKRESPRODLOC. Run heuristic and now it works. I would have expected the heuristic to do so and no me to do manual PLOB creation, but in the end, it works

For Transportation

1- Create the Resource

2- Create the Location Resource for the LOCFR shipping location, as I read this somewhere. Note resource type = 3. Anyway as I had no results, I also created the Location Resource for the LOCID receiving location

3- Create the Transportation Resource for the corresponding quartet PRDID, LOCID, LOCFR, RESID, to define the capacity consumption rate of my transportation resource for one unit of my product

4- Run heuristic. Nothing

5- Based on the above experience, I manually created PLOBS in WKPROLOCLOCFRRES. Still no results

Looking forward to reading from you

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For Transportation

1- Create the Resource

2- Create the Location Resource . Note resource type = 3. Please create it against Location ID as ____TransResLoc

For a transportation resource, this must be:__TransResLoc. You can't use any other location ID for a transportation resource.

3- Create the Transportation Resource for the corresponding quartet PRDID, LOCID, LOCFR, RESID, to define the capacity consumption rate for transportation resource

4. Provide Capacity Supply in CAPASUPPLY KF against

PRDID-LOCID with LOCID as __TransResLoc or Provide CAPASUPPLY in MDT if not modelling as KF

4- Run heuristics and observe the run generates plan with transport resource appropriately.

Please also find attached detailed word doc with illustration:

Resource mDT:

Resource Location MDT:

Transportation Resource:

Start and End is needed as 0 only if you want consumption at start when there is tleadtime

Capacity Supply:

Transport Usage Output: