Happy Holidays
In the far north, where the winters are long, freezing cold and dark, lies a tranquil village at the foot of a majestic mountain. Travelling there is like an adventure, as neither roads nor paths lead to this remote place. Only a few gnomes and stray reindeer have found their way so far.
In this very place, far away from all the hustle and bustle, Santa Claus exchanges ideas with his little helpers. Together, they make plans on how they can rock this year's challenges of the upcoming Christmas season to completely delight their discerning customers.
So, what are some of the secrets of Santa’s supply chain?
Well, settle down by the fire, with a hot cup of cocoa and read on….
How does Santa manage one of the world’s largest businesses?
Santa is proud to say that he was a trendsetter, having the first ever
business system in the Cloud. His cloud only methodology gives him the speed and agility to manage the world’s largest customer base, the world’s most complex planning and logistics environment and the world’s largest manufacturing and distribution center located at the North Pole.
How does Santa get an accurate view of demand?
Santa merges old school technics with a digital approach when it comes to capturing demand. He still loves the face-to-face meetings in Santa’s Grottoes around the world but is also embracing digital technologies such as virtual meetings, e-commerce orders, social selling and emails.
As his target group (children of all ages) are now mainly to be found on social media, Santa Claus has also taken this route to meet his customers where they are, namely on Instagram and TikTok. But you can also follow Santa on X,
@Santa, or reach him by email via C2S (Child2Santa):
But if you prefer the more nostalgic way to send Santa your wish lists, feel free to use the digital postal service or send him your “wish list” via the traditional letter (your parents may remember these).
Unlike many other companies, Santa does not see a major change to his delivery model due to the increase in e-commerce orders, as he has been perfecting his D2C (Direct to Chimney) delivery model for hundreds of years. He really was ahead of his time in that respect.
How does Santa manage his Naughty and Nice list?
When it comes to Santa’s customer segmentation, he has a laser focus on customer centricity and always strives to deliver everything on everyone’s Christmas list. And, of course, Santa is using the latest technology to segment his customers into his two traditional customer segments: Naughty and Nice.
customer database has over 8 billion records and growing, so you would think it would take a lot of time to segment and analyze. But by leveraging real-time visibility (often from his band of “Elves on the Shelf”), and predictive analytics, on a cloud-based solution, he can do his customer segmentation within in seconds. And yes, Santa now leverages
Generative AI across his supply chain to know “if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.”
How has Santa reduced risk across his supply chain?
As with many companies, Santa has put more strategies in place to reduce supply chain risk and be more resilient. That means, Santa has:
- Identified key materials and alternative sources of supply that are much closer to the North Pole manufacturing hub.
- Improved the visibility into the actual demand by considering leading indicators like sentiment analysis of what is ‘hot’ on social media, so he not only knows when you are sleeping, or when you’re awake, but also knows what you are thinking!
- Introduced inventory optimization strategies across the globe to ensure he has presents located closer to the customer demand so that he can stop at key DC’s on-route to refill his sleigh.
- Improved collaboration with his little helpers that are providing supplier, goods and services, to leverage the power of his network to respond to changes in supply and demand.
What precautions have been put in place at the North Pole Manufacturing center?
Santa has had to put several
EH&S (Elf Health and Safety) initiatives in place to ensure the safety of his ‘little helpers’. He has also incorporated IoT enabled sensors into the elf’s uniforms which triggers the bell on their hat to jingle if they are too close to a co-worker.
Taking a deeper look into Santa’s manufacturing and distribution facility, at first glance, the North Pole location does not look ideal from a logistical perspective. But Santa has total control of his manufacturing and achieves tremendous economies of scale in production by having a single manufacturing facility – Santa’s Workshop.
In what is probably the largest single manufacturing plant in the world, he and his workforce (Santa’s elves) have to produce tens of millions of presents every day of the year. And as a result, inventory of billions of end products is built up towards the peak season (Christmas Eve), creating the ultimate
warehouse management challenge.
What are the logistics of delivering to the world in 24 hours?
Actually, due to his ‘follow the moon’ approach, Santa has 31 hours to deliver all the goods. This still means that he must plan a transportation route of around 822 homes every second, so Santa cannot afford to have any disruptions or transportation bottlenecks.
Santa is in a lucky position when it comes to the logistics of delivering the gifts, as he has his own logistical fleet of “a sleigh and eight reindeer,” which means that he was not significantly affected by the recent container ship crisis. This unique mode of transport is very carbon conscious as it has zero emissions (well, almost!).
The weight of gifts on the sleigh has always been a concern. If you estimate one gift per customer at an average weight of two pounds, Santa’s sleigh tips the scales at 7.4 million tons! In recent years, new IoT enabled weight sensors have been installed to ensure the sleigh isn’t overloaded or out of balance.
How does Santa ensure his sleigh is in perfect working order?
This is another area where Santa has embraced technology. He has kitted out his sleigh with sensors that can track how it is performing during his marathon journey around the world. If, for example, one of the runners is starting to rattle and come loose, the
digital twin starts flashing in mission control, and an alert is sent to one of the elf maintenance teams located around the world, with instructions on what parts and tools are needed, and where to meet Santa to perform the maintenance whilst he is busy dropping gifts off at the foot of a Christmas tree.
As we move into the ‘most wonderful time of the year’, Santa’s has assured us that the runners are sharpened, the reindeer are at peak fitness, Rudolph’s nose is shining bright, and manufacturing is at full production. He closed by saying “
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”
Although I have no proof that Santa is an SAP customer, I know that many of his suppliers are. T
o learn more about how they have put processes in place to enable a risk resilient and sustainable supply chain, download this recent Oxford Economics study.
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