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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


SAP has just introduced the new SAP Digital Manufacturing for insights (DMi), the latest manufacturing insights solution that offers advanced analytics features to analyze and optimize your digital operations.

With DMi, you can visualize production data, which is already structured and stored in Manufacturing Data Objects (MDOs), to monitor your manufacturing processes, perform operational analytics, and gain deeper insights into your operations.

In this blog post, I will show you some aspects of the new SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights (DMi), including the Manufacturing Data Objects (MDOs) and their relationships, DMi's architecture, including its Manufacturing Data Layer, Data Transformation, Interconnected MDOs, Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud (eSAC), External APIs, and its scalable and flexible design.

Additionally, it covers the simplification of data analysis with Operational Reports and the visualization capabilities of Embedded SAC.


New DMi Apps


SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights receives data from SAP Digital Manufacturing for Execution and transforms this raw data from into interconnected Manufacturing Data Objects (MDOs) optimized for analytics purposes.

These MDOs are stored in DMi's Manufacturing Data Layer, where they can be accessed by various apps, features, and external OData APIs. The best part? No configuration is required, and complex data models are a thing of the past. DMi creates MDOs and their relationships automatically in the background, making it incredibly easy for you to analyze your production data without the need for complex data models.

DMi Architecture

The architecture of SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights (DMi) is designed to efficiently handle and process data for analytics purposes. Let's explore the key components of DMi's architecture and how they work together to bring insights into your manufacturing operations.

  1. Manufacturing Data Layer: The heart of DMi's architecture is its Manufacturing Data Layer. This is where the Manufacturing Data Objects (MDOs) are stored. The Data Layer serves as a central repository for all production data, making it easily accessible for various apps, features, and external APIs.

  2. Data Transformation: Raw data from SAP Digital Manufacturing is automatically transformed into MDOs optimized for analytics. This transformation process ensures that your production data is structured and ready for use in your analytics projects.

  3. Interconnected MDOs: The MDOs in DMi are interconnected, allowing for complex relationships between different data objects. This simplifies the process of analyzing your production data and enables you to uncover hidden insights more easily.

  4. Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud (eSAC): DMi incorporates the power of Embedded SAC to provide robust and user-friendly analytics capabilities. By integrating SAC into its architecture, DMi enables you to create custom dashboards and stories, to visualize your production data.

  5. External APIs: DMi's architecture supports access to MDOs via external OData APIs. This allows for seamless integration with other systems and tools, expanding your analytics capabilities beyond the DMi ecosystem.

  6. Scalable and Flexible: DMi's architecture is designed to be scalable and flexible, accommodating the growing needs of your manufacturing operations. As your production environment evolves, DMi can adapt to support more complex analytics scenarios and data relationships.

Manufacturing Data Objects (MDOs)

Manufacturing Data Objects (MDOs) help to simplify data analytics. MDOs are created by restructuring production data from SAP Digital Manufacturing for Execution and storing it in a separate database within SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights.

These objects can be used to analyze production data without requiring complex data models, as the MDOs and their relationships are created automatically in the background. MDOs are divided into categories such as Material, Order, Resource, and Routing, and you can filter subsets of data within each MDO to analyze specific attributes or related tables.

Out of the box, the following MDOs are currently available in 23.02 Release of SAP Digital Manufacturing:

Available MDOs in 23.02 Release

Simplified Data Analysis with Operational Reports

SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights offers some Operational Reports that help monitor and analyze production processes, deriving insights from them.

The Order Report and SFC Report apps provide valuable information for monitoring and analyzing orders and SFC information.

Order Report app allows users to view information about orders, such as the order number, materials, serial numbers, quantities, progress, schedule, order status and much more, and to refine the information displayed using filters.

Similarly, the SFC Report app provides information about SFCs or Charges in orders, which can be viewed and filtered based on various attributes.

Both of these apps are designed to streamline the process of analyzing production data and provide insights into the status and progress of production orders and SFCs. By utilizing these reports, users can make data-driven decisions and optimize their manufacturing processes to improve efficiency and productivity.


Order Report

Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud (eSAC)

The embedded SAP Analytics Cloud allows you to create custom dashboards and stories, visualizing your production data without needing to create any new data models. You can choose the relevant data attributes and visualize them in different types of diagrams or tables. The dashboards and analytics features are powered by SAP Analytics Cloud, which is embedded in DMi.

Embedded SAC


In the video series below, you can see how easy it is to create your first Dashboard:

Create your 1st KPI

Create your 1st Chart and Filters

Adding Multiple Charts

Adding Timeseries Chart

Adding Numeric Poits for Resource Status

Adding Different Chart Types

PDF Export and Publish

Experiencing SAP Digital Manufacturing

You can have a glimpse and experience several aspects of SAP Digital Manufacturing via the Interactive Value Journeys below:

Discrete within SAP Digital Manufacturing and S/4HANA Cloud
Process Industry within SAP Digital Manufacturing and S/4HANA Cloud
Tool Management within SAP Digital Manufacturing
Resource Orchestration within SAP Digital Manufacturing
Production Process Design within SAP Digital Manufacturing
Shop Floor Orchestration with SAP Digital Manufacturing
Time Tracking within SAP Digital Manufacturing
SAP Digital Manufacturing for Insights
Nonconformances Processes within SAP Digital Manufacturing


Do you like this post? Please let me know in the comments section what you think. Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Or, if you have any questions, please check SAP Community Q&A Area, or comment down below.


Manoel Costa
0 Kudos


Is it still possible to add "Images" to your Dashboards?

When I try to create a Dashboard, I can see the start screen where I can select an "Image" but it is directly overwritten to only add a Query, as below:

The view is directly overwritten by the following:


Am I missing roles to be able to add more to the Dashboard instead of queries?

Thank you
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Thomas! Yes, it is definitely possible to add images. However, creating a Data Source in Query Designer must come first. So, as soon as you are done creating your Data Source in Query Designer, you will get back to your screenshot #1, where you can add Charts, Tables, Images, Shapes and Texts to your story canvas.


0 Kudos
Thank you for your reply.


Is it still possible to create an "Image" of a shopfloor, where I can add areas linked to sensor data (indicator data), as explained in your other blog:

Massive thanks for your reply already!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Not at the moment, unfortunately.

The app used in that blogpost was recently deprecated.

0 Kudos
Hi Manoel,


I am not able to create new dashboard. Authentication page is opening and trying to connect. Is there any other way to open it?

Thanks and regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Sunita,

You can check SNotes 3292945 and 3260054.


0 Kudos
Hello Manoel,

Great Tutorials showing what Embedded SAC can do.

Questions: Is there a way to "Flag" a finished item in DMC ? Or have a unique value for a specific set of data?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks, Yann.

Yes, sure! In SAP DM, you can track production against SFCs, which stands for Shop Floor Control. SFCs are unique identifiers that represents a specific instance of a particular material being built during the manufacturing process. An SFC can have multiple statuses, including "Done" when it's finished. You can track As Built, Genealogy, Traceability and etc against SFCs.

Hope it helps,

0 Kudos

Thank you for the response Manoel!

0 Kudos

Hi Manoel,

I am not able to open or create Manage dashboard though I have configured the Initialized Embedded Analytics (Downloaded the XML file and upload and Save). Initialized Embedded Analytics Status is changes as Configured but I am not able to open or create the Manage dashboard.Getting the below error.

Initialize Embedded Analytics status is configured


Manage dashboard:


Can you please help me to to create a manage dashboard.






Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos

Hi @sunita_sarkar, this error is most likely related to the new configurations required for the new embedded SAC in DMi. Have you done all the configs in your IAS and DM tenant in BTP with the DMCi roles?


Thanks Brunocechlla,

Thanks for your response. Can you please guide me how Can I configure  in IAS and DM tenant in BTP with the DMCi roles?If possible please provide me the Document with Screenshots.I have DM Integration guide. As per DM Integration guide ,Where can I see SAP Cloud Identity Services ? Is it available in BTP?Please provide me step by step screenshots to configure it.



0 Kudos

Hello @ManoelCosta ,

It is possible to add a "Geo Map" to the Dashboard?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello @MarthaCoronado ,
Geo Maps are currently not supported in Embedded SAC version.

0 Kudos

Thank you for the response!

0 Kudos

Hello @ManoelCosta ,

Is it possible to adapt the language in the titles of the charts and texts depending on the established language configuration ?

0 Kudos


Excellent videos for understanding what eSAC offers. 

Is it possible to publish one video on OEE KPIs, which will be an eye-opener for many newcomers?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello @ganesh_vc , for OEE, see:

Line Monitor with OEE for Process Industry and Overlay Authoring Tool (OAT) in SAP Digital Manufacturing

OEE for Discrete in Line Monitor within SAP Digital Manufacturing

Line Monitor for Discrete Industry (~6min)


0 Kudos

Hi @ManoelCosta 


thanks for this great blog!


we have a question about DMi, is it possible to extend the datasource with something external to MDOs ?  


for example CSV files or external Database (PosgreSQL on BTP or Hana)





Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @celanoalberto , I´m afraid that´s not possible at the moment.


0 Kudos

Hi @ManoelCosta 

we have also the opposite question, if we are using SAC (Full , not the embedded in DMi) can we use our DM MDOs as Datasource? 

We found that probably we can use OData, there is any other "standard" way suggested by SAP ?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @celanoalberto ,
As of now, you can use V2 and V4 OData APIs.
JDBC access to MDOs is currently in BETA and should become GA soon.

0 Kudos

Hi Hi @ManoelCosta ,


How can I create reason code ON DM because when I am trying to implement OEE perform on LM PD in our DM system ,I cant see any reason code. Please suggest me how I am create the Reason code to test LM POD for OEE performance check for Discrete industry.

Also I can't see the latest UI on LM POD. Please suggest me which configuration I should  add.




Sunita Sarkar

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @ManoelCosta ,

Thanks for sharing the link to set up the reason code. Now I can see the reason code on LM POD but I can't see any data change for OEE ,performance and Quality. Only Availability is changed. I have executed 1. SFC   Start, Data collection Create Downtime and SFC complete.


Please help me how can I check the OEE ,performance and Quality data.





Thanks and regards,

Sunita Sarkar

0 Kudos

Hi @ManoelCosta ,

Now I am able to configure OEE calculation successfully and got successful result. Thank you so much for your help!!!!!


Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos

When loading Manage Dashboards, you get the following error message.

Is this message related to the DM region of the BTP sub-account? The current region is US West (WA).

And Setting Up Single Sign-On for the Manage Dashboards App with "Certificate Pending" Status in Initialize Embedded Analytics

Tell me how I can use the dashboard

데시보드 오류.png

0 Kudos

Hi @ManoelCosta ,

Great blog. Thank you for the detailed explanations and valuable tutorial video links. Extremely helpful. I was wondering if there is a document explaining the relationships (join conditions) between each of these MDOs? Any help here is greatly appreciated!

Thank you


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello @kyunha , I suggest you double check the followint notes:

#3260054 - Single Sign-On Access from Manage Dashboards BETA App to Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud
#3292945 - Troubleshooting DM Embedded Analytics

Hope it helps,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello @SAPMDG ,

I don´t think such document is currently publicly available, but you can learn more about MDOs structures at Manufacturing Data Objects and perhaps figure it out.

Hope it helps,

0 Kudos

Hi @ManoelCosta ,

Great Post! This is very helpful information.

Is it possible to have drilldown functionality in eSAC ?  Based on eSAC login user, can we get report automatically display production events which that user performed?

At present manually to select user id from the list.

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,



0 Kudos

Hi , I'm looking in SAP Documentation for information on Data Retention on the MDOs of SAP DM but I cannot find it unfortunately. 

Do you know or can help me with a contact on:

  • How long does DM store the MDO attributes generally or within each MDO for.
  • Is this time different between different MDOs? For example Data Collection Attributes are stored for a different period of times as Downtime MDO Parameters.
  • For how long can the individual MDO attributes be retrieved (if the retention/storage period in SAP DM is MDO attribute-specific)?

    Thanks for any infos or contacts! 



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @RomanIgnacioGonzalezDiMiele ,
As far as I know, there is currently no data retention policy in place and MDO data is currently stored indefinitely. This might change somehow in 2025, when cold storage introduction is planned as a roadmap item.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @v_duvvuri , drill-downs are definitely supported by eSAC. I´m not 100% sure about auto filtering by logged user id. Br, Manoel

0 Kudos


My observation on my DM trial system doesn't show up data for more than 6 months. ( I am not that where this retention period is setup)..


Per my data analysis, I guess the MDO data for eSAC in DM are not showing up in the integration message dashboard either. 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@ganesh_vc , there is definitely no retention setup available, as there is currently no data retention period or limit. Perhaps your system really does not have data older than 6 months? Or, perhaps you have issue with your filters? In any case, I suggest you raise a ticket for further clarification.

I'm not sure what you mean by "MDO data for eSAC in DM are not showing up in the integration message dashboard", as Integration Message Dashboard (IMD) shows basically ERP integrations and indeed does not show MDO or eSAC data.

Hope it helps,